
2012-12-11 13:20:17


第一关 A Personal Contract

本章包含4个场景:Gardens, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground  Floor

Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the  following Disguises (see Items): Gardener, Mansion Interior Guard, Mansion  Exterior Guard, Chef 收集以下人员制服:园丁,大楼内部警卫,大楼外部警卫,厨师
Evidence Collector Collect the  evidence in Cliffside and Mansion Ground Floor 收集2个证据:1在悬崖边的保安监控室,2在大楼首层大厅的桌子上
Infiltrator Complete the  chapter without being spotted. Gardens, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground  Floor 不被发现地完成本章节
Suit Only Complete the  chapter without using a disguise. Gardens, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion  Ground Floor, Mansion Second Floor 不更换制服地完成本章节
Modern Art Accidental  kill in the Gardens. The large metal sculpture in the center where the two  guards are talking can have its base stem shot to destabilize it, causing it  to fall. 在花园里制造意外杀死。花园里两个警卫交谈时,可射击中间的大型金属雕塑底部的支撑柱子使其倒塌
Geronimo Guard sent  flying out of a window (defenestration). Pull out the guard at the cliffside  section, the one getting the good news about his "cancer" not being  cancer. The new diagnosis does not protect him from terminal falls. 让警卫飞出窗口。将那个在窗口讲电话的警卫拽出窗口
Extra Spice Chef drugged.  The sleeping pills are in the upstairs restroom; the pills may be poured into  the stew the cook is preparing. 药倒厨师。上楼去安眠药,放到厨师正在煮东西的锅里,然后等待
Damn Good Coffee Head of  Security drugged. The sleeping pills are in the upstairs restroom; the pills  are poured into the coffee cup at the bar by the fireplace. 药倒警卫头子。将安眠药放到大厅旁,吧台的咖啡杯里,等他睡了,取走钥匙牌
Play It Again Accident kill  using the pianos cover. For this, you may want the cooks disguise, and  leave the two enemies by the kitchen alone, so they can finish their A.I.  route. One of them goes to the piano. 利用射击钢琴盖的撑杆制造意外杀人。不要理厨房里的两个警卫,让他们继续巡逻,其中一个会去到钢琴那
The Price of Treason Clear mission  完成任务
Well Played Knockout the  Head of Security with sleeping pills, get the key card, and assassinate your  target without causing further casualties (essentially a Silent Assassin  run). 药倒警卫头子取得钥匙牌,不惊动任何人地刺杀目标(仅指进入大楼面对厨房的这个场景)

Item Location
Disguise - Chef Find him in  the kitchen 厨师制服
Disguise - Gardener Refer to the  tutorial, or any of the shady looking guys in big hats, sandals, and hippy  t-shirts 园丁制服
Disguise - Mansion Exterior Guard Guards in the  green jumpsuits. You cannot take their disguises until the Instinct tutorial.  大楼外警卫制服
Disguise - Mansion Interior Guard Guards in the  slacks and white shirts. All the enemies in the scoring section have this  disguise. 大楼内警卫制服
JAGD P22G Handgun  carried by the guards. 警卫的枪
Axe Found in the  garden 斧头,在一开始转左的区域,在一个断树上
Book Found in the  garden 网球场下方的花园,从左侧走,就会发现
Coffee Mug At the  cliffside 咖啡杯,在悬崖场景
Brick Found in the  garden 砖头,在一开始转左的区域
Fire Poker Fireplace, in  the mansion. 火钳,大楼大厅内,吧台附近的火炉
Hammer Found in the  garden 锤子,花园里,砸死人的雕像旁
Keycard Dispose of  the Head of Security 钥匙牌,警卫头子身上
Filet Knife In the  Instinct tutorial section before the greenhouse. 折叠刀,进入温室前的场景,在桌子上的西瓜果盘那
Knife Found in the  kitchen 刀,厨房里
Sleeping Pills Found in the  second floor bathroom, mansion interior (scoring section) 安眠药,大楼2楼的淋浴间
Statue Bust On the shelf  outside the bathroom 雕像,淋浴间门口右侧
Wrench Where 47  first enters the mansion grounds, the tutorial guides you to one. 扳手,在一开始转左的区域

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