
2010-02-05 16:55:04

 游侠会员:zhmwwl 原创

    There has been much criticizing about Starcraft 2, and the controversial debates go as far back as the game s announcement.  One of the main complaints about the new game is the upgraded User Interface (UI).  Interface additions, such as the  -unused-SCV button, auto-mine, and Multiple Building  ion (MBS) cause the subsequent arguments of decreasing macro and micro.

    These arguments stand on solid ground and every person has their own equally good arguments that express their opinions regarding the new UI.  This article will discuss the major issues that have been brought up, especially MBS, a feature that allows a player to   a group of buildings.  The article will also show the differences and similarities between the Micro and Macro within Starcraft and Starcraft 2.  Hopefully, by the end of this article, the concept of Micro and Macro will have been thoroughly explored to pro vide a deeper insight on all strategy games.
What is Macro and Micro?

    Macro and Micro are two concepts that define Strategy gaming.  Briefly put, Macro is the name of all the actions during a strategy game relating to the mindset of the player, the economy of the match, and the overall strategy that a player has.  Micro, on the other hand, relates to the small details within a game, such as  ing units, de ing units, giving a group of units actions to move and attack, using abilities etc. etc.   Basically, Macro defines the overall strategy that a player has while Micro defines the itsy-bitsy details within that plan.  Having both strong Macro and strong Micro is essential for a good game player.


    In Starcraft, Micro and Macro was carefully balanced to produce a sensational battling experience.  The complicated maneuvers and mouse control required to pull off top Micro moves and the awesome focus needed to hold a strong Macro position was just enough to give anybody a thorough mental workout from just one match.


    Macro in Starcraft consisted of managing economy, unit building, and controlling your overall strategy plan.  It was very consistent throughout each race.  The Protoss had to manage their probes and their building warping, being careful to watch their supply as well as constantly building and “teching” up.  The Terrans and the Zerg did the same, with slight variations in the relationships between supply and building area.  Also, Starcraft players had to constantly make decisions about their strategy and overall method of winning.  Making correct decisions based on their opponent’s actions was very important.  If, within a game, an opponent decides to create many ground troops, one must realize this from a Macro standpoint, changing his/her strategy to allow them to gain the upper hand.

  Overall, Macro in Starcraft was quite simplistic in theory: Managing your economy, your buildings, and the effectiveness of your bases while deciding upon an overarching strategy that will ultimately allow you to reach your goal, defeating your opponent.  Nevertheless, it was still difficult to do in reality.  While one focuses on the every second events of a match (Micro), it is quite difficult to take a second to think about your strategy and watch your economy.  As such, what once seemed like an easy task clearly becomes a difficult one when applied.


Against MBS
Modernizes the UI and will be balanced out with increased difficulty in Micromanagement.
Simplifies the UI to such a degree that the Macro of the game becomes too easy.
Releases tension off the boring aspects of Starcraft (mining, building) for the more exciting and meaningful aspects of the game.
Causes the game to emphasize Micro and less Macro.

Will increase the mastery curve because real pro-players will utilize MBS well, exploring other ways to play not available in Starcraft.
Will cause the mastery curve to become shallow.

These reasons are quite argumentative and definitely subject to change as Starcraft 2 undergoes extensive testing by the Blizzard Development Team.


   Micro is the twin brother of Macro.  Rather than being similar to Macro, however, Micro is the complete opposite about the same things.  In Micromanagement, the player would focus on the events occurring within a game every second.  As such, in Starcraft, Micromanagement would consist of handling many control groups (of 12 units) very well, constantly building many units from barracks, gateways, hatcheries etc. etc.,  ing and de ing things, and “clicking very fast.”  A person’s APM (Actions per Minute) Ratio can be said as a determinant of how good a Starcraft player’s Micro is.  The faster APM you have, the more you’ve been clicking, and the more you have been “Micro-ing”.
    微操就有如宏操的孪生兄弟一样。与宏操不一样,微操是完全相反的东西。在微观操作里,玩家会着重于把焦点聚集在游戏的每一秒钟。因此,在星际争霸里,微观操作的构成应为良好地操控无数个单位组(一组十二个单位),不间断地在人族兵营、神族兵门、虫族巢穴等建筑里造出大量士兵,选择和取消选择各种东西,以及“超快速的点击”。一个人的APM(Actions per  Minute,每分钟操作数)是一个影响该玩家星际争霸水平的重要因素。拥有更高的APM,点击的次数更多,意味着你更多的时候都是在“微操”当中。
   Many of the top Starcraft players have a very high APM.  Most of them have great Micro skills, so they can control their base very well.  Micro is an essential thing within the game of Starcraft.  Being able to quickly hotkey many units, switch between them, and concentrate at what your units are doing is not the easiest task.  Being able to do it well results in great skill as a gamer and as a hard mental worker.  It is a skill that takes several practice rounds and constant play.  Nevertheless, once achieved, your Starcraft skill level skyrockets!

Micro and Macro in Starcraft 2: MBS

My Humble Opinion


   In my humble opinion, MBS is definitely a requirement for Starcraft 2.  It modernizes the game while lowering the learning curve for newer players.  However, I don’t believe that it decreases the game’s difficulty.  With increased abilities and mechanics for every race, a player will still be well tested as he constantly tries to keep up.

   Also, Starcraft pro-players aren’t “pro” for no reason.  If MBS does simplify the game in a way that can’t be regained through extra abilities or mechanics, then the difficulty can be regained with an increase in tactics.  The increase in units that allow players to maneuver the map with less difficulty than ever before and the increase in simplicity that allows players to build units efficiently will spawn tactics never possible in Starcraft: Brood War.  With their minds off building many units efficiently, pro-players may have time to  ute more tactics in more combinations.

Macro and Micro in Starcraft

    Starcraft was released in 1998 for Windows and since then has been one of the most revered Strategy games in history.  One could go to lengths studying the intricacies of the balance within the game, and there are many reasons that could explain why it is so popular.  However, in this article, the Macro and Micro of Starcraft will be compared to that of Starcraft 2 to prove that both have their similarities and differences.


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