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深空遗物 v1.0.1升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版







更新说明: (机翻)



“-window-mode borderless”用于全屏无边界模式(在游戏设置中选择全屏)

- 用户界面声音检修没有达到1.0。
- 为登陆牌添加了两个新的房间背景。
- 一堆能力和统计变化。请参阅下面的详细列表。

- 修正了Linux版本无法在某些区域设置上运行的问题。注意:如果您已更改启动选项以解决此问题,请确保run_dsd.sh脚本用于启动游戏,或者您的自定义脚本使用LC_ALL = C启动游戏可执行文件。
- 修复了从商店屏幕重新加载游戏后商店无法正常工作的问题。
- 修正了战斗结果面板可能显示重复字符并提供额外战利品的问题。
- 修正Leader / Ceasefire引起的战斗错误没有被正确取消。
- 修正化学家/共生偶尔会引起其他军医和化学家爱好者的问题。
- 修正了Fortify Shields可能导致死亡单位出现问题。
- 修复了强化系统的问题,包括过载免疫力无法正常工作。
- 修正了某些情况下腐蚀性军械的问题。
- 修正当反射阻挡某些其他牌时可能发生的战斗问题。
- 修正了Chemist / Power Injection的各种问题(例如错误的伤害值和buff未到期),并将其从Self / Ally更改为Ally。
- 修复了转弯订单处理的罕见战斗错误。
- 修正了当一个死单位试图更新其空闲动画时可能发生的战斗错误。
- 修正了在毒素激活之前,神经毒素的目标被DoT效应杀死的战斗虫。
- 修正了无法绘制卡片时的Quartermaster / Amplifier Creator脚本错误。
- 修正了化学家/正面副作用中的错误伤害值。
- 清理了Bruiser / Battle Rage效果描述。
- 修正了一些在对话中看错方向的NPC。

- 小的初始装载调整。如果在启动时遇到崩溃,可以尝试启动选项-use-sync-load,这个速度较慢但应防止崩溃。
- 可能修复某些Mac上的战斗崩溃。
- 修正了重型爆炸炸弹在其描述中没有正确说明它给出了-ARMOR。
- Buddynaut使用的铀壳手榴弹没有造成任何伤害。现在应该正确地做它的伤害。
- 修正了Drudger Stinger的丢失图标。
- 抛光一些闲置的动画。
- 固定竞技场的医疗机器瓷砖有奇怪的背景。
- 修正了竞技场中的等级提升,并没有在该级别的战利品掉落的同时发生。
- 修正了门徒AI的小问题。
- 修复了在定位单位后按下Retreat后光标可能消失的问题。

- 将入学学分从600增加到1000。
- 每个健康点的治疗费用从10减少到9cc。
- 将2级角色获得的能力点数从2增加到3。
- 略微降低了避免陷阱触发的最大机会。
- 从技能点的所有持续时间增加从每点0.5%降低到0.33%。
- 增加了烈士卫队的STUN抵抗扩展。
- 从4级开始为烈士和死亡守望者增加了缩放LETHAL RESISTANCE。
- 恢复机器人:盾牌从15减少到10,EVASION从25%减少到10%,并且从10到4开始。修正了错误地说明当它实际上达到20%时恢复10%盾牌的描述。
- 减少精神和医疗技能的数量,使他们各自的增益从每点0.5%提高到0.33%。
- 化学家的战斗兴奋剂:将持续时间从2/3/3改为2/2/3,并将EVASION从+11/22/33降低到+ 8/16/25%。
- Wild Pummeling(Bruiser):从6/7到5/6的点击次数减少。
- Cleave(Bruiser):伤害从20/30/40%减少到10/23/36%。
- 地面猛击(Bruiser):伤害从80/90/100%降低到70/85/100%。
- 武器大师(布鲁塞尔):伤害从+ 12/24/36%减少到+ 10/20/30%
- 报复(Bruiser):报复的可能性从25/37/50%降至15/30/45%。
- 能量通道(功能性):伤害从+ 5/8/10%增加到+ 5/10/15%。
- 功能最大化(功能):卡抽奖机会从33/47/60%增加到33/55/77%。
- Scrapstorm(功能):伤害乘数从2/3增加到3/4。
- 钻练训练(领袖):伤害从+ 10/15/20%变为+ 8/15/20%,伤害从+ 3/6/10%变为+ 4/7/10%。
- 精力充沛(领袖):ENERGIZE的机会从10/15/20%变为10/20/30%。
- Sentry炮塔(机器人大师):卫生间从10/15/20改为15/20/25,盾牌从5月12日到6月12日,从3/5/8到3/6 / 9和8/9/11到8/10/12的伤害。
- 强化目标(机器人大师):从+ 3/5/7%增加到+ 3/6/10%的临界几率和从+ 20/40/60%到+ 25/50/75%的致命伤害。
- 硬质电镀(机器人大师):从3/6/10到4/8/12增加健康。
- 医疗勤奋(Medic):将卡片抽签的机会从15/30/45%改为20/40/60%
- 解剖学(Medic)的理解:对生物单位的伤害从+ 5/8/11%增加到+ 5/10/15%。
- 学习经历(Medic):从25/38 / 50%到25/50/75%提取卡的机会增加。
- Energence(Medic):将ENERGIZE的几率从10/15/20%改为10/20/30%。
- 精神突击(Psyker):从10/13/16到10/14/18的伤害提高。
- 精神护盾(Psyker):抵抗心理效应的几率从20/35/50%增加到20/40/60%。
- 精神攻击(Psyker):伤害从+ 10/20/30%变为+ 8/16/25%,并使能力锁定的几率从15/30/45%增加到20/40/60%。
- Energy Siphon(Scrapper):将你获得的牌1的数量从1增加到2。
- Energy Siphon(Scrapper):丢弃/拉出卡从1/2/3增加到2/3/4。
- 排斥护盾(护盾专家):排斥伤害从33/50/75%增加到40/60/80%,排斥晕眩几率从25/40/55增加到25/50/75%。
- Team Shield Amplifier(Shield Expert):最大屏蔽增加从+ 10/20/30%降低到+ 8/16/25%。
- 护盾水蛭(盾牌专家):将盾牌伤害从12/18/24更改为13/20/27。
- 难以穿透的盾牌(盾牌专家):持续时间从1/2减少到1/1。
- 幻影(策略师):将可见度持续时间从1/2/3降低到1/1/2,并将可见度从16/32/50%降低到10/20/30%。
- 高优先级目标(策略师):将FOCUS从3/4/5更改为2/4/6。
- 保护我(策略师):将从该能力收到的卡数从2/3/4更改为1/2/3。
- 现货弱点(策略师):将损害抵抗和逃避从-10 / 15/20%改为-8 / 16/24%。
- 战斗指挥(战略家):将EVASION从+ 13/30%降低到+ 12/24%。
- 自我清洁系统(外科医生):从20/26/33%增加到20/35/50%的可能性。
- 令人震惊的清除(外科医生):当从11/22/33%降至14/28 / 42%时,STUN几率增加。
- 屏蔽增强(技术人员):从最大屏蔽的30/35/40%到25/30/35%减少临时屏蔽量,从2/3/4减少到2/2/3转。
- 阻尼场(技术员):将从2/3/4到2/2/3的能力卡减少。
- Hacked Aidrone(技师):2级和3级的统计数据增加。健康从+2/4到+5/10,盾牌从+3/6到+6/12,从+2/4到+4/8 。
- Overloader(技术员):将OVERLOAD的几率从35/60/75更改为28/56 / 84%。
- 电子放电(技师):伤害从15/18增加到20/28。
- Lout Drone(Tinker):改进了统计数据。健康从15/20/25到18/22/26,盾牌从4/8/12到5/10/15,起始于5/6/7到4/7/10,远程伤害从7/8/9到7/9/11和6/7/8到6/8/10的近战伤害。
- 动能发电机(Tinker):将能量产生百分比从20/30/40%降低到11/22/33%。
- Scrounger(Tinker):将抽出的牌数从2/3增加到3/4。
- 吸收外壳(Tinker):从2/3/4到2/2/3的能力减少了。
- 尖刺层(Tinker):ARMOR从1/2/2增加到1/2/3,并从4/7/10增加到4/8/12。
- 肮脏的炸弹(修补匠):从12/18增加到13/20的伤害。
- Mark Target(追踪器):将FOCUS数量从3 / 4.5 / 6减少到3/4/5。
- 隐形打击(追踪者):将隐身的持续时间从1/2/3减少到1/2/2。
- 紧急披风(追踪者):伤害阈值从15/13/10增加到25/18/10,冷却时间从7/6/5减少到6/5/4。
- 关键目标(追踪者):从4/9/14到5/10/15的关键几率增加
- 终结者(追踪者):武器伤害从125%减少到100%
- 高速(追踪器):武器伤害从+ 10/20/30%减少到+ 8/16/25%。
- 碎纸机武器(追踪器):BLEED伤害从20/40/60%减少到15/30/50%
- 暗杀(追踪者):伤害从225/250%增加到230/260%。
- Crystalmorph,Rockmorph和Soulmorph现在具有增加每个等级的致命抵抗力。
- 为Corruptor,Destroyer和Exterminator增加了50%的STUN和LETHAL RESISTANCE。
- Drudger的近战逃避在1级时为0,但每级增加的速度更快。
- 每级减少Wurmling健康增益2。
- 增加Buddynaut,Crystalmorph,Deathmorph,门徒,Jasperse,Juggernaut,Mawurm,Metail,Necroguard,Neurone,Prophet,Repressor,Rinow,Rockmorph,Serpentwurm和Tyrant的健康和/或盾牌收益。
- 为Corruptor,Destroyer和Exterminator添加了缺失的盾牌。这实际上几乎使他们的生命值加倍。
- 略微增加腐蚀者,Crystalmorph,毁灭者,门徒,灭虫者,Metail和Rockmorph的伤害。
- 增加了Power Glove Core和Razor Spikes扩展mod的机会,以产生Double Strike。
- 盾牌猛击(保护者):武器伤害从60%增加到90%。
- 震击(保护者):盾牌部分的伤害从+ 25%增加到+ 50%。
- 电击(Necroguard):伤害从80%增加到100%武器伤害,每回击受到3到5点伤害,持续2回合。
- 盾牌闷棍(古代之眼):对盾牌造成75%至90%武器伤害的伤害提高。还固定它实际上只是盾牌伤害。
- 为大量竞技场敌人添加了一堆统计数据,主要是LETHAL和STUN RESISTANCE。
- 通过去除保护姿势和保护性自我修复,使Metail的甲板变得更加精简和更具攻击性。


Update v1.0.1:
Note: If you encounter crashes when starting the game, please try the launch option -use-sync-load. It makes the initial load a bit slower, but should prevent crashing.

If you have display-related problems, try resetting the game settings as described in the README.txt file (browse local game files in Steam to see the file).

Here are some more launch options that may be of use.
"-window-mode borderless" for fullscreen borderless mode (select fullscreen in game settings)
"-popupwindow" for windowed borderless (disable fullscreen in game settings)

- UI sound overhaul that didn抰 quite make it into 1.0.
- Added two new room backgrounds for landing tiles.
- A bunch of ability and stat changes. See below for a detailed list.

- Fixed Linux version not working on some locale settings. NOTE: If you have changed your launch options to work around this issue, please make sure that the run_dsd.sh script is used to start the game or that your custom script starts the game executable with LC_ALL=C.
- Fixed shop not working correctly after reloading the game from the shop screen.
- Fixed issue where the combat result panel could show duplicate characters and give extra loot.
- Fixed combat bug caused by Leader/Ceasefire not getting canceled correctly.
- Fixed Chemist/Symbiosis occasionally causing problems with other Medic and Chemist buffs.
- Fixed Fortify Shields potentially causing problems with dead units.
- Fixed problems with Strengthen Systems, including overload immunity not working correctly.
- Fixed issue with Corrosive Ordnance in some situations.
- Fixed combat issue that could happen when Reflections blocked certain other cards.
- Fixed various issues with Chemist/Power Injection (such as wrong damage values and the buff not expiring) and changed it from Self/Ally to Ally only.
- Fixed rare combat bug with turn order handling.
- Fixed combat bug that could happen when a dead unit tried to update its idle animation.
- Fixed combat bug when the target of Nerve Toxin was killed by a DoT effect before the toxin activated.
- Fixed Quartermaster/Amplifier Creator script error when it couldn't draw a card.
- Fixed wrong damage value in Chemist/Positive Side-Effects.
- Cleaned up Bruiser/Battle Rage effect description.
- Fixed some of the NPCs looking in the wrong direction in dialogue.

- Minor initial loading adjustments. If you encounter crashes at startup, you can try the launch option -use-sync-load, which is slower but should prevent crashing.
- Possible fixes towards a combat crash on some Macs.
- Fixed Heavy Blast Bomb not stating correctly in its description that it gives -ARMOR.
- Uranium Shell Grenade used by Buddynaut didn't do any damage. Should do its damage now properly.
- Fixed missing icon for Drudger Stinger.
- Polished some idle animations.
- Fixed arena's medical machine tile having weird backgrounds.
- Fixed level ups in arena not happening at the same time as that level抯 loot drops.
- Fixed minor issue with Disciple AI.
- Fixed issue where the cursor could disappear after Retreat was pressed while targeting a unit.

Balance changes:
- Increased starting credits from 600 to 1000.
- Decreased healing cost per health point from 10 to 9cc.
- Increased the number of ability points characters receive at level 2 from 2 to 3.
- Slightly decreased the max chance of avoiding traps triggering.
- Decreased all duration increases from skill points from 0.5% to 0.33% per point.
- Increased Martyr Guard's STUN RESISTANCE scaling.
- Added scaling LETHAL RESISTANCE for Martyr and Death Warden starting from level 4.
- Restoration bot: Shield reduced from 15 to 10, EVASION from 25% to 10% and INITIATIVE from 10 to 4. Fixed the description falsely stating that it restores 10% shields when it actually does 20%.
- Reduced the amount Mental and Medical skills improve their respective buffs from 0.5% to 0.33% per point.
- Chemist's Combat Stimulant: Changed duration from 2/3/3 to 2/2/3 and reduced EVASION from +11/22/33 to +8/16/25%.
- Wild Pummeling (Bruiser): Reduced number of hits from 6/7 to 5/6.
- Cleave (Bruiser): Reduced damage from 20/30/40% to 10/23/36%.
- Ground Slam (Bruiser): Reduced damage from 80/90/100% to 70/85/100%.
- Weapon Master (Bruiser): Reduced damage from +12/24/36% to +10/20/30%
- Retaliation (Bruiser): Reduced chance of Retaliation occurring from 25/37/50% to 15/30/45%.
- Energy Channel (Functionnaire): Increased damage from +5/8/10% to +5/10/15%.
- Function Maximizer (Functionnaire): Increased card draw chance from 33/47/60% to 33/55/77%.
- Scrapstorm (Functionnaire): Increased damage multiplier from 2/3 to 3/4.
- Drill Training (Leader): Changed damage from +10/15/20% to +8/15/20% and critical chance from +3/6/10% to +4/7/10%.
- Energetic (Leader): Chance of ENERGIZE changed from 10/15/20% to 10/20/30%.
- Sentry Turret (Master of Robots): Changed health from 10/15/20 to 15/20/25, shields from 5/12/20 to 6/12/18, initiative from 3/5/8 to 3/6/9 and damage from 8/9/11 to 8/10/12.
- Improved Targeting (Master of Robots): Increased critical chance from +3/5/7% to +3/6/10% and critical damage from +20/40/60% to +25/50/75%.
- Hard Plating (Master of Robots): Increased health from 3/6/10 to 4/8/12.
- Medical Diligence (Medic): Changed the chance to draw a card from 15/30/45% to 20/40/60%
- Understanding of Anatomy (Medic): Increased damage against biological units from +5/8/11% to +5/10/15%.
- Learning Experience (Medic): Increased chance to draw a card from 25/38/50% to 25/50/75%.
- Energence (Medic): Changed chance to ENERGIZE from 10/15/20% to 10/20/30%.
- Mental Assault (Psyker): Increased damage from 10/13/16 to 10/14/18.
- Mental Shield (Psyker): Increased chance to resist MENTAL effects from 20/35/50% to 20/40/60%.
- Mental Attacks (Psyker): Changed damage increase from +10/20/30% to +8/16/25% and increased chance to ABILITY LOCK from 15/30/45% to 20/40/60%.
- Energy Siphon (Scrapper): Increased the number of cards you receive rank 1 from 1 to 2.
- Energy Siphon (Scrapper): Increased discard/draw card from 1/2/3 to 2/3/4.
- Repelling Shields (Shield Expert): Increased repulsion damage from 33/50/75% to 40/60/80% and repulsion stun chance from 25/40/55 to 25/50/75%.
- Team Shield Amplifier (Shield Expert): Reduced maximum shield increase from +10/20/30% to +8/16/25%.
- Shield Leech (Shield Expert): Changed shield damage from 12/18/24 to 13/20/27.
- Impenetrable Shields (Shield Expert): Reduced duration from 1/2 to just 1/1.
- Mirage (Strategist): Reduced INVISIBILITY duration from 1/2/3 to 1/1/2 and reduced INVISIBILITY break damage from 16/32/50% to 10/20/30%.
- High Priority Target (Strategist): Changed FOCUS from 3/4/5 to 2/4/6.
- Protect Me (Strategist): Change the number of cards received from the ability from 2/3/4 to 1/2/3.
- Spot Weakness (Strategist): Changed DAMAGE RESISTANCE and EVASION from -10/15/20% to -8/16/24%.
- Battle Commands (Strategist): Reduced EVASION from +13/30% to +12/24%.
- Self-Cleansing System (Surgeon): Increased chance to PURGE from 20/26/33% to 20/35/50%.
- Shocking Purge (Surgeon): Increased STUN chance when PURGING from 11/22/33% to 14/28/42%.
- Shield Boost (Technician): Reduced temporary shield amount given from 30/35/40% of max shields to 25/30/35% and reduced duration from 2/3/4 to 2/2/3 turns.
- Damping Field (Technician): Reduced the number of cards received from the ability from 2/3/4 to 2/2/3.
- Hacked Aidrone (Technician): Increased stats on rank 2 and 3. Health from +2/4 to +5/10, shields from +3/6 to +6/12 and INITIATIVE from +2/4 to +4/8.
- Overloader (Technician): Changed OVERLOAD chance from 35/60/75 to 28/56/84%.
- Electric Discharge (Technician): Increased damage from 15/18 to 20/28.
- Lout Drone (Tinker): Improved stats. Health from 15/20/25 to 18/22/26, shields from 4/8/12 to 5/10/15, INITIATIVE from 5/6/7 to 4/7/10, ranged damage from 7/8/9 to 7/9/11 and melee damage from 6/7/8 to 6/8/10.
- Kinetic Generator (Tinker): Reduced energy generation percentage from 20/30/40% to 11/22/33%.
- Scrounger (Tinker): Increase the number of cards drawn from 2/3 to 3/4.
- Absorption Shell (Tinker): Reduced the number of cards received from the ability from 2/3/4 to 2/2/3.
- Spiky Layer (Tinker): Increased ARMOR from 1/2/2 to 1/2/3 and damage from 4/7/10 to 4/8/12.
- Dirty Bomb (Tinker): Increased damage from 12/18 to 13/20.
- Mark Target (Tracker): Reduced FOCUS amount from 3/4.5/6 to 3/4/5.
- Stealth Strike (Tracker): Reduced the duration of invisibility from 1/2/3 to 1/2/2.
- Emergency Cloak (Tracker): Increased damage threshold from 15/13/10 to 25/18/10 and decreased cooldown from 7/6/5 to 6/5/4.
- Critical Aim (Tracker): Increased critical chance from 4/9/14 to 5/10/15
- Finisher (Tracker): Reduced weapon damage from 125% to 100%
- High Velocity (Tracker): Reduced weapon damage from +10/20/30% to +8/16/25%.
- Shredder Weapon (Tracker): Reduced BLEED damage from 20/40/60% to 15/30/50%
- Assassinate (Tracker): Increased damage from 225/250% to 230/260%.
- Crystalmorph, Rockmorph and Soulmorph now have LETHAL RESISTANCE that increases each level.
- Added 50% STUN and LETHAL RESISTANCE for Corruptor, Destroyer and Exterminator.
- Drudger's melee evasion is 0 at level 1 but scales up quicker per level.
- Reduced Wurmling health gain per level by 2.
- Increased health and/or shield gains of Buddynaut, Crystalmorph, Deathmorph, Disciples, Jasperse, Juggernaut, Mawurm, Metail, Necroguard, Neurone, Prophet, Repressor, Rinow, Rockmorph, Serpentwurm and Tyrant.
- Added missing shields to Corruptor, Destroyer and Exterminator. This effectively almost doubles their hitpoints.
- Slightly increased the damage of Corruptor, Crystalmorph, Destroyer, Disciples, Exterminator, Metail and Rockmorph.
- Added a chance for Power Glove Core and Razor Spikes extension mod to spawn with Double Strike.
- Shield Bash (Preserver): Increased damage from 60% to 90% weapon damage.
- Shock Strike (Preserver): Increased damage against shields part from +25% to +50%.
- Electrocute (Necroguard): Increased damage from 80% to 100% weapon damage and the SHOCK from 3 to 5 damage per turn for 2 turns.
- Added STUN and LETHAL RESISTANCE to Disciples.
- Shield Sap (Ancient Eye): Increased damage from 75% to 90% weapon damage to shields. Also fixed that it actually is only shield damage. 
- Added a bunch of stats, mainly LETHAL and STUN RESISTANCE for a large number of Arena enemies.
- Made Metail's deck to be leaner and more attack focused by removing Protective Stance and Protective Self-Repair.



· 深空遗物 v1.2.3升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版

· 深空遗物 v1.2.3升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

· 深空遗物 v1.2.2升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版

· 深空遗物 v1.2.2升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

· 深空遗物 v1.2.1升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版