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上古卷轴5 死神领域:黑暗迷雾MOD




1. 解压缩
2. 复制data文件夹到游戏目录下
3. 用MOD管理器勾选esp文件
4. 开始游戏


After the battle of Moesring, the Falmer took up refuge with the Dwemer. However, the Falmer sought to find something that they could use to get vengence for the Nords killing their beloved Snow Prince...
毛斯琳之战(Battle Of Moesring)后,雪精灵一族开始在矮人的处所里避难。然而,雪精灵一直没有忘记要向杀死他们的雪之王子的诺德人复仇,因此一直在寻找一些东西。

- 一个新的任务,一处新的可探索的矮人遗迹,带有很多新的机械设备,值得探索每一个角落;一处可以拥有的房产。
- 丰富的任务奖励,如下:
- Ring of Regrowth (regenerates Mana, HP, and Stamina at a HUGE rate)  再生戒指
- GhostRing (Turns the player into a Ghost and makes friends with the Falmer ghosts)  幽灵戒指
- SpellBook: Conjure Ghost Dragon  召唤幽灵龙的法术书
- Hidden Armor set with special attributes  带特殊属性的隐藏装备
- New Player Home Areas:  新家,以下为新家所带内容,不翻了,总之很多就是了
- Forge / Armory
- Tanning rack
- Smelter
- Blacksmith Forge
- Workbench
- Sharpening Wheel
- Enchanting Workbench
- 2 chests for materials
- 10 Weapon Display Cases
- 10 empty mannequins
- 10 outfitted mannequins
- 16 weapon racks
- Dragon Priest Mask Alter
- Combat Training Room with 2 mannequins you can cast spells at or attack that will level your skills
- Archery Range (mini game you can use to level marksmanship or any damage based spell)
- Garden / Library
- variety of plants
- variety of bugs
- chest to store potions with all potion recipes
- apothecary sachel for ingredients
- Alchemy Workbench
- ghost dragon room
- shrine room for the 9 divines
- 4 weapon display cases
- 18 empty book shelves
- chest of all normal books
- chest of all spell books
- chest of all skill books
- atronach forge
- chest with all atronach forge recipes
- operating instructions book at atronach forge
- chest for materials for atronach forge

- 很有特点的NPC配音


- 需要等级达到25级以上。
   level 25 character

- 需要完成马卡斯城石下要塞里卡赛默(进门左转)给的杀死蜘蛛尼姆赫的任务。
  Finished "Nimhe, the Poisoned One" quest for Calcelmo (Available at any level)
- 需要接魔神Peryite(佩伊特)杀死奥尘多的任务(可以不完成,只是为了进入Bthardamz)。
  Accepted to Kill Orchendor from Peryite in the "The Only Cure" Daedric quest to have access to  Bthardamz. (Available around level 10+)
- 在你达到上述三个要求后,在城镇里会有一个信差送信给你,随即触发任务。(如果等了很久还不来,请确认是否达到上述三个要求,或者在城镇间快速旅行几次。)
  Youll get a courier in one of the towns. Be patient. He has to run to you. Some of the towns have a shorter distance for him to run. If youre impatient, try Whiterun in town or Dawnstar. You must go into then leave a building after having completed all the above pre-requisites.
- 此MOD跟增加狮群的MOD有冲突,建议玩的时候将狮群MOD勾掉。(狮群MOD跟我汉化的另一个幽灵海域MOD也有冲突!!)
- 这个任务有一点小小的难度,建议多带些同伴。
- 遗迹里充满了迷雾,所以会有些降帧的现象。




· 《上古卷轴5:天际》RM捏脸菜单简体中文补丁

· 《上古卷轴5:天际》剧情MOD人生如梦简体中文补丁

· 《上古卷轴5天际》天启魔法汉化补丁

· 《上古卷轴5:天际》天启魔法MOD

· 《上古卷轴5天际》SKYUI界面汉化补丁