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上古卷轴5 Player Headtracking玩家头部跟随转动MOD V2.1




1. 解压缩
2. 复制Data文件夹到游戏目录下
3. 用MOD管理器勾选esp文件
4. 开始游戏


MOD:Player Headtracking 玩家头部跟随
注意:目前和TK Dodge存在不兼容。
If you like a mod, please come back to endorse it. Appreciation is a great motivator for us modders!
 This mod enables headtracking for the player. Your character will face other actors similar to the NPCs in the game. Your character will first prioritize actors who are currently in dialogue with you, then actors who are currently talking to any other NPC, then actors who are straightest in front of your character. When moving, the distance at which your character headtracks actors is shorter than when standing still or sitting.
 Brawl Bug Plugin is required per 1.7 to prevent lethal brawls! (Please endorse it, that plugin is under-appreciated!)
 1.7版本后需要安装Brwal Bug Plugin避免在和NPC决斗时的问题!(请支持它,那个插件被低估了!)。说明:这个插件是因为天际的决斗/斗篷法术会导致一些不可预料的错误而做的,实际上它不会改变任何游戏的内容,只是通过脚本来停止游戏本来运行的内容以避免BUG。Brawling的WIKI说明 以及Brawl Bug Plugin的原下载地址
 Extract the contents of the ZIP archive into your Skyrim\Data folder. Enable Headtracking.esp in the launcher, or better, in a mod manager.
 Disable the esp plugin, start the game, make a new save, exit the game, del ete the files.
Known issues
 - The headtracking system might not be as responsive on weaker machines.
 - If at any time the players race is changed headtracking will stop working. Draw and sheath your weapons to make it work again.
 None known so far. The system is completely standalone so I dont expect much incompatibilities, if any at all. Any future mods that add headtracking (this is the first one) will probably be incompatible.
Change log
 Version 1.8 - Optimization update, more sensible conditions on headtracking.
 Version 1.7 - Fixes the brawling bug (Brawl Bug Plugin is a requirement now!) and adds a "detection" check before actors are tracked (the previous Line of Sight checks didnt work).
 Version 1.6 - Disables headtracking in first person altogether to prevent an issue with torches.
 Version 1.5 - Disables headtracking while mounted to prevent a currently unsolvable glitch, adds an extra safeguard in the uninstallation handling that hopefully solves the reported issue.
 Version 1.4 - Greatly reduces the performance hit in combat, should be negligible now. Reduces headtracking range and angles. Tracking of actors out of view (behind objects) is now disabled.
 Version 1.3 - Truly fixes the first person glitch this time, also adds proper uninstallation handling when the plugin gets disabled.
 Version 1.2 - Disables headtracking with a weapon drawn to prevent first person glitches during attacks.
 Version 1.1 - Fixes potential CTD due to a scripting mistake.
 版本1.7——修正了争吵错误(现在你需要安装Brawl Bug Plugin!)并且在NPC角色被跟随时添加了一个“侦测”检查来避免目前被报告的问题。



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