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巫妖国:战斗法师 6号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)







The Lichdom: Battlemage client is now updated with the Pre-Alpha 2 build. You will need to update your game client in order to see the changes in the game. Please note: previous saves will not be saved. You will need to restart the game from the beginning after updating to the latest build.

The Pre-Alpha 2 client contains the following changes and updates:

NEW: Level: Drivasser Intro

•Story elements have been added that provide context for what the player is doing at the start of the game.

•Tutorial elements that teach the player how the game is played have been added to the game.

•The player can choose from four spell Sigils when they reach the first reliquary, ensuring that more players will be able to experiment with Sigils beyond the Fire and Ice given at the start of the Pre-Alpha 1 build.

Level: Grey Teeth

•Improved checkpoint placement.

NPCs: Undead

•Carrion Thrall

•Revenant (+ skeleton variant)




NPCs: Cultists

•Trapper (enhanced)

•Assassin (enhanced)

•Zealot (enhanced)

Boss: Undead Hulk

•Encounter enhancements such as ranged adds and better ranged boss behavior have been added.

•Better Frenzy mode if you over CC.

NEW: NPCs: Demons

•Tormentor (added as boss at the end of Grey Teeth)

Spell Sigils

•All remodeled to promote cross-sigil play.

•Fire: Better nuke, better DoT behavior.

•Ice: Shatter, better freeze mechanic.

•Corruption: Huge changes. A tad more complex but MUCH more interesting.

•Delirium: Huge changes. Make a pet that lasts.... as long as you can keep him alive!

•NEW: Kinesis.

NEW: UI: Journal

•Players can access Journal to see their journal entries.

NEW: Story

•High-quality voice acting from our main characters have been added for tutorials, in-game story-telling, and motion graphics. (Animations will still be rough or broken in most cases.)

•NEW: Motion Graphics: Motion graphics are pre-rendered cutscenes that play at the end of a level and aid in storytelling.

•NEW: Male/Female Player Character Choice: At the beginning of the game, the player is given the choice between the male and female Dragon player character. This choice has implications in terms of storytelling, player hand model and animations, and Gryphon NPC.

NEW: Ultra-Low Spec Mode

•Players with lower-end hardware can run the game, including DX10 graphics cards. (Note: players with systems below our recommended hardware will technically be able to play but at unacceptable frame-rates even at the lowest spec setting).

NEW: Sigil advancement system

•Each sigil has mini-quests that, when complete, allow the player to sel ect specific, permanent improvement to the sigil.


Magic Spell Properties and Behavior Overhaul

•The behavior of our spells and the properties that make up the crafting experience have been overhauled to ensure that there are multiple valid approaches to crafting within any given Sigil. Elemental spells are treated differently from the others, which represents a shift in design philosophy. Specialty spells such as Delirium are more focused and are a bit more advanced in their usage, requiring increased player skill but allowing us to make them more powerful.


•Player and NPC stats have been rebalanced to reflect magic system changes and to ensure that all valid play styles are equally represented.

•Loot rooms drops have been revisited. Drops are smarter and overall epic-ness is reduced a little, but farming is allowed.

UI: Crafting/Equipping/Synthesis Improvements

•Usability and presentation of the Crafting/Equipping/Synthesis Screens have been improved.

Arena Gating

•Old Drivasser and Grey Teeth will have gates established at intervals throughout the level to prevent players from being able to run from start to finish without engaging enemies. Some additional gating will be employed by changing NPC composition.

Cultist Behavior

•Cultists have been improved so that they offer distinct gameplay from their Undead counterparts.

•Cultists have been debugged so they provide a more compelling gameplay challenge for players.

•Cultists have had a significant animation pass to improve their aesthetics.

Undead Hulk Boss

•Boss behavior has been improved and refined, with the addition of a new story-oriented NPC.

Blink Mechanics Update

•Overhauled and improved blink system.

•Players have more control over the Nova associated with Blink.

General Performance Improvements

•Improved overall performance for higher-end hardware.

•Removed/reduced hitching that occurs when enemies spawn or when effects play for the first time.

We’d love to hear your thoughts about the Pre-Alpha 2 build.

•For general feedback, please post to our General Discussions forum.

•To report issues, please post your issue (with as much information as possible) to our Bugs and Technical Issues forum.

•To provide feedback on improving Lichdom: Battlemage, please post your thoughts to our Suggestions for Improvements forum.

by thegfw


· 巫妖国:战斗法师 正式版v1.1(Build 2014.10.27.67779)升级档+免DVD补丁FLT版

· 巫妖国:战斗法师 正式版5号(Build 2014.09.17.66130)升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

· 巫妖国:战斗法师 正式版Build65558三项修改器MrAntiFun版

· 巫妖国:战斗法师 正式版4号(Build 2014.09.09.65923)升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

· 巫妖国:战斗法师 正式版v1.3四项修改器dRoLLe版