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术士2:放逐 典藏版附赠内容BAT版[包含原声音乐及PDF电子书]




电影配乐为术士 - 奥术大师
电影配乐为术士2 - 被放逐
新型数字 - 大法师游戏 - 动作,阴谋和魔法的故事,设定在术士的宇宙。作者是著名的幻想和科幻作家约翰Helfers 。
数码画册 - 从术士2游戏美丽的艺术品, 42全彩页:大法师, Enivonments和单位
- 死亡之域 - 开始你的追求中的死亡之地!
- 魔术是乐趣 - 被称为神奇的天才主是提供给您的事业!
- 初级,我亲爱的 - 增加了三个新的致命元素法术你对阿森纳统治世界!
- 光的赞美诗 - 允许访问三个新的神通,包括一个强大的主召唤能力!
- 冰霜之力 - 一位前大魔导师谁寻求报复提供他的服务给您!
半所有人的 - - - 没有人知道他,但全万事通 - 的 - 这可以是你身边最好的盟友!
- 古龙 - 一种新的大魔导师 - 古代龙 - 加入战局,并希望以显示谁是最伟大的法师!


Soundtrack for Warlock - Master of Arcane
Soundtrack for Warlock 2 - The Exiled
Digital Novel - The Great Mage Game - A story of action, intrigue and wizardry, set in the Warlock universe. Written by acclaimed fantasy and sci-fi author John Helfers.
Digital Artbook - 42 full-color pages of beautiful artwork from the Warlock 2 game: Great Mages, Enivonments and Units
And 7 in game items, including:
- Domain of Death - Start your quest in the land of the dead!
- Magic is Fun - The lord known as The Magical Genius is available to your cause!
- Elementary, My Dear - Adds three new deadly elemental spells to your arsenal towards world domination!
- Chants of Light - Gives access to three new magical powers, including a powerful Lord Summoning ability!
- Frost Power - A former Great Mage who seeks retribution offer his services to you!
- Half-of-Everyone - Nobody knows him, but this Jack-of-all-Trades can be the best ally by your side!
- Ancient Dragon - A new Great Mage - the Ancient Dragon - joins the fray, and wants to show who is the greatest mage of all!


· 术士2:放逐 联机免DVD补丁RVTFiX版V2

· 术士2:放逐 v2.2.189九项修改器MrAntiFun版

· 术士2:放逐 PC正式版12号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

· 术士2:放逐 典藏版游侠LMAO润色组汉化补丁V1.0

· 术士2:放逐 PC正式版10号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)