资讯 游戏 论坛 手游 攻略

洛杉矶警察 1号升级档+免DVD补丁ZEKE版






Friendly AI reaction time significantly increased 
Friendly AI run speed increased 
Player overall run speed increased significantly 
Player overall health increased 
Slowed the enemies down slightly to avoid the zombie attack effect 
Updated player mini-map icon to white and a black cross is shown when player is dead 
Lvl 3 sections 1 and 2 made easier 
Hearing ranges of enemies reduced 
Objective list can now be toggled on and off (PC: t key) (Xbox and PS4 pads: d-pad right) 
Updated pad controls image to be either the Xbox or the PS4 pad depending which one is connected 
Health Bars above enemies (scaled to represent relative health) 
Health Bars above players 
Added Volume slider to Options menu 
Health packs spawned on timer 
A health pack will spawn again when a player has been revived on a delay if level has been replayed more than 2 times 
A donut pickup will spawn again when the last donut has been picked up after a delay if level has been replayed more than 2 times 
Downed partners are clearly marked 
Updated Cutscene VO audio 
Many Bug fixes

Your feedback in the forums has been awesome, so keep it coming. You can find a thread where you can give feedback on this update here. 

We've also added the game's soundtrack as additional free content for everyone who has bought the game. You can find it in the same folder that LA Cops is installed to on your device! 

You should also check out LA Cops on Twitter to take part in regular competitions, and get the latest on the game! 

Keep fighting the good fight, 



· 洛杉矶警察 v1.2三项修改器CH版