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咕噜小天使:怪物历险记 5号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)








WASD Added, Improved Gamepad Control, Other Dev Updates

It's been an extremely busy few days here at the Mastiff doghouse. 

WASD Support Added 
Just go to the Keyboard And Mouse tab and select WASD from the drop down menus for the appropriate directions. We couldn't add the letters W and S alphabetically without breaking already set up custom configurations, so they are at the bottom of the list. 

Improved Gamepad Control 
As many of you have requested, we've increased the dead zone, going from 8.6% to 11.7%. This should help with the drift issue. We also ask everyone to make sure that drivers for any controllers are installed and up to date. 

Item Unlock Bug 
If you downloaded the game after 3:00am on March 31 then you are not affected by this. If you got your game in the first sixteen hours of its release then you experienced a bug in save data creation that incorrectly unlocked the item list, difficulty modes, costume and a hidden character. 

We've released an updated version that mostly fixes the above problem. We say "mostly" because two small problems remain 

It's still theoretically possible (though very unlikely) a user could experience an issue with the Maid Outfit where the outfit is unlocked even though unlock on it was not earned, or vice versa. 

The item list, now correctly viewable after Normal or Beginner mode is cleared, may incorrectly display an item’s status (locked or unlocked). Only the list is wrong - the item is correctly handled in the game, and gameplay, unlockables, achievements and rankings are not affected in any way. It’s only an issue in that some perfectionist players (what some might call cho-otaku) may want to see a display showing they have every item.

We are working on a fix for the two above issues, and if we can’t come up with a perfect fix will also offer players the extreme option of zeroing out their inventory and starting over. Of course, this is only something we'd only expect the hardest of the hardcore to even think about doing. 

We'd like to thank all of you for your support and understanding. We are a small company that put a lot into Gurumin and it's been a source of great pleasure watching the community embrace this game. 

by thegfw


· 《咕噜小天使》十四项修改器V1.3

· 《咕噜小天使》汉化补丁

· 咕噜小天使 汉化版

· 咕噜小天使:怪物历险记 7号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

· 咕噜小天使:怪物历险记 6号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)