Project CARS - Limited Edition Upgrade - 001
Project CARS - Modified Car Pack - 002
Project CARS - Racing Icons Pack - 003
项目CARS - PC补丁3.0 - 发行说明
*新 - 朋友排行榜 - 玩家现在可以观看之间切换“所有”和“仅朋友”排行榜的屏幕上。
*新 - 多人旁观模式 - 玩家现在可以选择在比赛中,以“退休到坑盒',然后旁观正在进行的比赛。
*增强MP车辆编组 - 在线比赛现在使用真实世界的车辆类别。这导致网上比赛好得多车辆性能的匹配。
*增强的设置和进站策略系统 - 玩家现在都提供了关于当前和未来的天气信息,剩下的会话持续时间,当前的赛道温度,等等。
*增强HUD和遥测轮胎信息系统 - 玩家现在可以实时看到其轮胎化合物他们目前正在使用,什么每个轮胎的压力,多少每个轮胎的磨损。
*增强剪切轨道检测系统 - 用于探测切割轨道系统现在更准确,“公平”。
* DLC职业合同的支持 - 游戏现在支持另外的职业合同,新DLC的车辆让玩家可以在自己的职业生涯的核心使用系列轿车适用。
*增强的回放系统 - 玩家现在可以从重播中访问照片模式和回放过程中汽车之间可以切换。
*新 - 力反馈 - 实现通过菜单滑块来手动调整菜单春力量,静止/低速弹簧的强度和整体转向增益的能力的用户。
*新 - 力反馈校准屏幕现在拥有多力反馈配置选择系统,使用户可以选择适合个人喜好基地FFB样式,然后根据需要进一步调整它。
*增强的天气系统 - 所有车辆都用新的视窗雨效果更新,具有动态的溪流,更逼真的水珠,和雨刮片步道效果。
*新 - 朋友排行榜 - 玩家现在可以观看之间切换“所有”和“仅朋友”排行榜的屏幕上。
*新 - 多人旁观模式 - 玩家现在可以选择在比赛中“退休到坑盒',然后旁观使用”退休到坑'和'旁观'选项正在进行的比赛(请注意,这是目前仅适用于轨道该功能坑车道)。
*增强车辆编组 - 在线比赛现在使用真实世界的车辆类别。这导致网上比赛好得多车辆性能的匹配。
- 玩家现在设置有关于当前和未来的天气信息,剩余的会话持续时间,和当前轨道的温度。
- 在安装程序中,玩家可以选择不同的化合物应用到前方和后方集。在进站策略,玩家现在可以选择更改配置单独每个车轮的轮胎,而不是对称的。
- 在设置和进站策略屏幕上会显示实时的估计的玩家可以了多少圈期待与当前的燃油负载运行,并更新为玩家调整燃油滑块。
- 玩家现在可以定义策略坑比最初的载油量减少燃油。在比赛中,燃料滑指示灯会变为红色,提醒玩家在战略提供足够的燃料为比赛的其余部分。
- 玩家可以实时看到现在哪个轮胎化合物他们目前正在使用,什么每个轮胎的压力,多少每个轮胎的磨损。各个车轮的轮胎的图形会从顶部淡出至底部,以指示磨损程度。在HUD上的轮胎温度显示现在使用一个平滑的颜色梯度褪色以更准确地表示温度变化和相匹配的遥测屏幕上的显示
*增强剪切轨道检测系统 - 用于探测切割轨道系统现在更准确,“公平”。许多轨道被修改,以解决那里的赛道切检测是不是太松或太严具体问题。玩家将不再收到警告,行驶偏离轨道在草地和其他表面时没有实际取得时间这样做。新系统提供了可扩展性跨越的游戏模式严格,以满足实际生活中的应用。这些规则的执行会从自由练习逐步向更严格的比赛计时赛。
* DLC职业合同的支持 - 游戏现在支持另外的职业合同,新DLC的车辆让玩家可以在自己的职业生涯的核心使用系列轿车适用。
- GT3:宾利欧陆GT3
*职业Invitationals - 纠正俄语翻译两个邀请赛解锁描述。
*图形用户界面 - 滑块在整个游戏界面正在改变它们的相关数值时支持更小的增加和减少。
*监视器/旁观屏幕 - 计时表现在支持鼠标点击来改变正在被观察到的驱动程序。现在屏幕提供在线播放,点击新Gamercard按钮时,查看所选驱动程序的信息的能力。固定数的情况下的图将在次随机冻结和/或当被显示遥测覆盖被锁定在屏幕上。
*主要的游戏载入画面 - 固定路美轨迹的标志,失踪,更新了罗技的标志,以新的罗技G标志,更新了Oculus公司的标志,以他们的新标志。
*驱动程序网络配置文件 - 练习和排位赛将不再计入进入比赛。
*社区活动 - 增加了一个“需要DLC”指标要求DLC内容的事件,增加了一个事件编号指示。
*职业赛后的领奖台屏幕 - 固定的单圈时间格式使用多个逻辑MMSSTTT格式(如01:20.457)。
* HUD现在报告正确的分裂次车辆在进站。
*增强的回放系统 - 玩家现在可以从重播中访问照片模式和回放过程中汽车之间可以切换。
*重播相机 - Azure的电路 - 返工的数量的摄像机解决问题的背景和观点的平局距离和定位正在阻挠赛道的对象。
*重播相机 - 霍根海姆国家 - 提高了一些相机的定位来解决意见被阻挠赛道的对象。
新 - 实施通过菜单滑块来手动调整菜单春力量,静止/低速弹簧的强度和整体转向增益的能力,为用户:
菜单春 - 暂停菜单中的前端和游戏方向盘复原弹簧的强度。
低速弹性系数及饱和度 - 在低速时转向(<10英里每小时),当汽车处于静止的重量。饱和度的最大的力为弹簧和系数是弹簧如何迅速生效。为了避免“齿槽/开槽”的固定效果最好的时候离开弹性系数高,降低饱和度。
转向增益 - 增益(乘数),适用于所有的转向效果(转向力,震动,遏制隆隆声等),它们混合后。对于一个干净的更详细的体验定在1.0或以下,在裁剪的代价更强反馈提出了更高的(最多5个值)。
新 - 力反馈校准屏幕现在拥有多力反馈配置选择系统,使用户可以选择适合个人喜好基地FFB样式,然后根据需要进一步调整它。现在,您可以FFB电流设置(默认)和预1.4(经典)使用FFB校准预设之间进行切换。这些预设选项下>控件>校准力反馈可用。该预置在此页面的顶部,新的滑块来控制弹簧/转向效应在底部设置。每当你改变这些值就变成了自定义预设。您可以通过在该页面的顶部选择它们切换回default或经典。
* Fanatec - 为支持此功能的Fanatec轮毂加加速器滑支持振动。为的Clubsport踏板V3增加了油门踏板的隆隆声的支持,并固定制动隆隆不工作。
*罗技轮子 - 增加LED的G29支持。
*自定义轮子 - 降低默认的菜单春力量。
* 125cc组和250cc组卡丁车 - 更好的调整换挡自动变速箱算法。这种锁定后刹车时减少了速射减挡的发生,从6日至1日。
*奥迪R18 E-TRON QUATTRO - 添加缺少的齿轮读出到座舱显示器。固定“QUATTRO”在展厅(牌)小写。
*阿斯顿·马丁Vantage的GT3 - 固定后部中央刹车灯的冲击试验的位置,以确保光线准确的冲击损伤作用。
*宾利欧陆GT3 - 在后悬架设计固定轻微的不对称这是造成一些无意的交叉重量。
* BMW M3 GT - 设置为使用相同的轮胎宽度为其他GT3赛车。这有助于均衡的性能和作用,以公平的竞争环境,因为这款车会使用这样的轮胎尺寸,如果它跑了2012年以后对GT3赛车的其余部分。
* BMW V12 LMR - 固定发动机使用寿命的数字来匹配其他类似的汽车。
* 5组车和宝马M1 - 调整了雨胎热和敏感性,以防止他们在小雨过热。
*护航MK1和DLC 2002年宝马涡轮增压 - 再平衡的AI表现。
*公式A - 增加了一个新的轮胎组包括两个光头胎:“软”和“中”。重新平衡的加热和所有四个轮胎套穿。返工轮胎磨损到更紧密地匹配真实世界F1赛车。暖气现在更甚至前后。艾速度(速度更快)作为被要求的进一步调整平衡,并在底座设置,以适应热变化及其对平衡的影响。该媒体浮油使抓地力相一致的180-220F,使得该化合物是一种战略,降低磨损的选择更加有用。软浮油是默认干胎。
*分子式C - 下降在雨中多为这款车有点AI能力,因为AI仍然在雨中太快。
*莲花98T - 新的设置,以帮助处理好电源,新的雨胎调整为更好的供暖。有些变化胴体的光滑加热和通胀压力的敏感性。
*迈凯轮MP4 12C - 调整了默认设置相匹配的变化更硬的轮胎。
*迈凯轮P1 - 僵硬的默认停牌,以帮助防止触底反弹,在像Nordschliefe轨道。改变轮胎壁倍耐力(牌)。
*迈凯轮F1 GTR - 加混悬液动画,以阻止他们通过大量压缩车身剪裁限制前轮的运动。
*帕加尼Huayra - 纠正了默认的干,湿胎,使正确的轮胎在使用“自动由天气”选择。
*自由基SR3和SR8 - 减小在齿轮液晶在驾驶舱背光,以便更容易阅读在夜间。
*雷诺Clio杯 - 更新的悬挂调校和齿轮比与正确的参考数据X98CUP Mk.4汽车完全匹配。
* RWD P20 LMP2 - 重新校准油水温度警告灯开启时,发动机开始过热上。
*各种DLC车辆 - 重新平衡的在座舱暴露水平。
*各种汽车 - 重新调整轮胎的变形效果。这修复了许多汽车被它见到过少或逆转轮胎外侧变形。
*各种汽车 - 图形处理的问题 - 奔驰C-DTM跑车,索伯C9,奥迪90,奥迪R8 LMS超,奥迪R18,R18奥迪的e-tron的,阿斯顿·马丁Rapide,BAC单声道,宾利欧陆GT3,宾利速度8,宝马1M,宝马Z4 GT3,宝马320组5,BMW M3 E30 A组,凯特勒姆经典,凯特勒姆SP300R,福特卡普里组5,福特MKIV,公式C,式A,购买ginetta G55 GT4,迈凯轮F1,鲁夫RGT8 GT3,鲁夫RGT8。
*各种汽车 - 更新,使用正确的胎面纹理各种轮胎化合物
*现代的街车 - 改善驾驶性能更严厉的新轮胎,真实世界的体验更加匹配。这使得这些车更生动有趣的驾驶。作出调整的FWD的个人设置和最跑车以适应变化。
* 4WD /混合动力汽车 - 启用视觉事与愿违。
* Azure的电路 - 重置AI赛道抓地力更快式A车,并调整了行车线,以帮助AI卡住的障碍。
*巴瑟斯特 - 修正了一个问题,即汽车将碰撞在维修站通道不可见的对象,并修正了黑影出现在后视镜上赛道的某些部分。
*加州公路 - 返工在双车道的高速公路的最后一节的允许驾驶表面,让玩家驾驶两侧。
*迪拜布局 - 固定的图形异常的赛道表面。
* Glencairn东 - 修正了一个错误的轨道削减警告将引发驾驶时赛道上。
* Nordschliefe - 修正了一个问题,即人工智能试图离开自己的坑点是直接在他们面前阻止汽车在坑点。
* Ruapuna布局 - 提高对远处的树木纹理质量,以及对返工元帅职位的铁丝网,以防止他们转向不透明的距离。
* Sakitto GP - 畅通进站,并添加坑车道指示牌。
* Sakitto国际 - 修正了一个问题,即AI会跑得太宽,碰撞在下坡的屏障左手清扫车。
*银石赛道布局 - 固定在坑入口处虚假切割轨迹警告。
*斯内特顿200 - 修正了一个玩家会进入坑“时收到一个切口轨迹警告
*斯帕 - 修正了一些护柱标记音轨限制已经停止出现的问题。
* Watkins Glen的布局 - 修正了一个问题,即入窖会触发,如果一个球员开车非常接近坑壁上的主直道,并修复了一些图形弹出的问题。
*各种轨道 - 伊莫拉,奥舍斯莱本GP,奥舍斯莱本C套餐 - 切轨检测调整。
*为Oculus公司0.6.0.1 SDK实现支持。
*暗影支持 - 对得到的影子支持全面实施进一步的工作。
*修正SLI / XFire的窗口模式下的性能问题 - SLI / XFire的是不是在窗口模式下可用,但一些渲染路径仍然活跃,导致性能降低,最显着的Oculus公司裂谷其假货窗口模式。
* Jumpstart的公差调整当玩家开始前的绿灯将其车辆进行处罚更加逼真。
Project CARS – PC Patch 3.0 – Release Notes
Please be aware that, as a result of the enhanced cut-track detection system included in Patch 3.0, all Time Trial leaderboards will be reset over the course of the next 12 hours. This is to clear out leaderboard times that were set under the old cut-track detection system where players could get away with driving off-track and gain time by doing so. The new system is far fairer and much more accurate. By resetting the leaderboards we remove all these 'contaminated' records and ensure that everyone has a fair shot at setting true and accurate Time Trial leaderboard entries.
New & Enhanced Feature Summary
* New – Friends Leaderboards – players can now toggle between viewing ‘ALL’ and ‘FRIENDS ONLY’ on the leaderboards screen.
* New – Multiplayer Spectate Mode – players can now choose to ‘Retire to Pit Box’ during a race, and then spectate the ongoing race.
* Enhanced MP vehicle grouping – online races now use real-world vehicle classes. This results in far better vehicle performance matching for online races.
* Enhanced Setup and Pit Strategy system – players are now provided with information regarding current and upcoming weather, remaining session duration, current track temperatures, and more.
* Enhanced HUD and Telemetry tyre info system – players can now see in real time which tyre compounds they are currently using, what each tyre’s pressure is, and how much each tyre is worn.
* Enhanced Cut Track detection system – the system used to detect cut tracks is now far more accurate and 'fair'.
* DLC Career Contract support – the game now supports the addition of career contracts for new DLC vehicles so that players can use applicable cars in their core career series.
* Enhanced Replay system – players can now access Photo Mode from within a replay, and can switch between cars during a replay.
* New – Force Feedback – implemented the ability via menu sliders for the user to manually tweak the menu spring strength, stationary / low speed spring strength, and overall steering gain.
* New – the Force Feedback Calibration screen now features a multiple force feedback profile selection system whereby the user can select a base FFB style that suits personal preference, and then tweak it further as desired.
* Enhanced Weather system – all vehicles are updated with new window rain effects, featuring dynamic rivulets, much more realistic looking water drops, and wiper blade trail effects.
* New – Friends Leaderboards – players can now toggle between viewing ‘ALL’ and ‘FRIENDS ONLY’ on the leaderboards screen.
* New – Multiplayer Spectate Mode – players can now choose to ‘Retire to Pit Box’ during a race, and then spectate the ongoing race using the ‘Retire to pits’ and ‘Spectate’ options (note that this is currently only available on tracks that feature a pit lane).
* Enhanced vehicle grouping – online races now use real-world vehicle classes. This results in far better vehicle performance matching for online races.
* Implemented support for Leaderboards reset across all platforms.
* Added support for Multiplayer Quick Random to also join in-progress sessions
* Fixed an issue where the Drive button would remain permanently locked when joining an in-progress session.
* Fixed an issue where, when the player progressed from qualifying to the start of the race, the player’s car would sometimes begin moving without player, resulting in false jump-starts.
* Fixed an issue where using the ‘Amateur’ skill filter would at times not show any lobbies.
* Fixed the case where changing the time of day from daytime to night-time in a lobby failed to switch the skill level from NOVICE to AMATEUR.
Time Trial
* Fixed an issue where restarting a Time Trial session would not remove the ‘best of session’ ghost from before the restart.
* Force Time Trial weather on consoles to always be set to Light Cloud to match PC settings.
* Ghost split and lap times are now displayed on timings/pause screen.
* Updated the in-game timings board to provide a visible distinction between the ghosts and the player’s entries: all ghosts now have status set to ‘Ghost’, and the Session best ghost has DRIVER text set to ‘Session Best’
Pitting, Tuning, Setups, Strategy
* Enhanced Setup and Pit Strategy system:
- Players are now provided with information regarding current and upcoming weather, remaining session duration, and current track temperatures.
- In Setup, players can choose to apply different compounds to the front and rear sets. In Pit Strategy, players can now choose to change tyres symmetrically instead of configuring each wheel individually.
- The Setup and Pit Strategy screens will now display an estimation of how many laps the player can expect to run with the current fuel load, and updates in real time as the player adjusts the fuel slider.
- Players can now define pit strategies with less fuel than the initial fuel load. During a race, the fuel slider indicator will turn red to warn players when the strategy offers insufficient fuel for the remainder of the race.
* Enhanced HUD and Telemetry tyre info system:
- Players can now see in real time which tyre compounds they are currently using, what each tyre’s pressure is, and how much each tyre is worn. Each individual wheel’s tyre graphic will fade out from top to bottom to indicate the level of wear. The tyre temperature display on the HUD now uses a smooth colour gradient fade to more accurately indicate temperature changes and match the display on the Telemetry screen
* Fixed an issue where damaged headlights would not get repaired if the player had damage level set to ‘Visual Damage Only’.
* Fixed more cases where a vehicle’s default setup would not be correctly applied.
* Reworked the naming of several tyre compounds to make the names more indicative of their purpose, and to ensure that front and rear compound names match when set to the same compound.
* Restrict pit strategy tyre compound types to only those available for the current vehicle.
* Accessing Pit Strategy in single player during non-race sessions no longer pauses the game.
* Tweaks to AI pit logic to ensure they pit in proper mandatory window in races that feature a mandatory pitstop.
* Fixed an issue that at times caused a setup from one car to be applied to a different car.
* Ensure that the Default pitstop strategy is set to the Active one on each session start, to prevent issues with previously configured and now irrelevant strategies being active.
* Fixed an issue where, if you customized a setup that was automatically loaded from your saved setups, and then drive and return to pits, the customized setup would be lost and your setup will be reset to the previously saved setup.
* Fixed an issue in online races where the pit crew would ignore any changes made to the pit strategy once the player’s car was stationary in the pit box.
Physics & AI
* Improved AI rain speed realism when using treaded tyres in the wet.
* Fixed an issue where, if a player has steering assist on and fuel use set to real, when low on fuel, the steering assist will pull them into the pits as they go past
* Increase tyre wear for AI if driving wet tyres when track is drying or dry.
* Improved AI behaviour during crash recovery to further minimize the chances of AI cars getting stuck.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a car to leave the pits with no visible wheel attached after pitting to replace a lost wheel.
* Various tweaks and improvements to how AI responds to tyre wear in regards to pitting strategies.
* Fixed the issue with cold and current tyre pressure mismatches in pitstop strategy, as well as cold pressure not being correctly applied in the tyre system.
* Fixed an issue with the player vehicle rolling backwards after entering pre-race tuning.
* Fixed an issue where AI drivers would remain stuck in their pit boxes when using accelerated time.
Cut Track / Off Track System
* Enhanced Cut Track detection system – the system used to detect cut tracks is now far more accurate and 'fair'. Many tracks were reworked to address specific issues where the cut track detection was either too loose or too strict. Players will no longer receive warnings for driving off track in the grass and other surfaces when not actually gaining time by doing so. The new system provides for scalability in strictness across game modes, to match real life application. The rules enforcement gets progressively stricter from Free Practice to Race to Time Trial.
* DLC Career Contract support – the game now supports the addition of career contracts for new DLC vehicles so that players can use applicable cars in their core career series.
* Added Career Contracts for core career sport DLC cars:
- GT3: Bentley Continental GT3
- LMP1: Audi R18 e-tron quattro
* Career Invitationals – corrected Russian translation in two Invitational unlock descriptions.
* Fixed an issue with pre-DLC save games not unlocking DLC career content.
* Fixed tyre skid sound when car is sitting against a kerb at zero speed.
* Tweaked the dirt surface sounds.
* Fixed an issue where there would sometimes be missing race audio in a subsequent race if there's an immediate quit at race start.
GUI, HUD, Telemetry
* GUI – sliders throughout the game interface now supports smaller increments and decrements when changing their associated values.
* Monitor/Spectate screen – the timings table now supports mouse clicks to change the driver that’s being observed. The screen now features the ability to view the selected driver’s info when playing online, by clicking on the new Gamercard button. Fixed several cases where the map would at times randomly freeze and/or be locked on the screen when telemetry overlay is displayed.
* When browsing Leaderboards, changing the car and track being browsed will no longer change the player’s currently selected car and track in the other game modes.
* Reworked the Replay/Spectate/Monitor interface to a more consistent design.
* Main game loading screens – fixed the Road America track logo that went missing, updated the Logitech logo to the new Logitech G logo, updated the Oculus logo to their new logo.
* Driver Network Profile – practice and qualifying sessions will no longer count towards races entered.
* Community Events – added a 'DLC required' indicator to events that require DLC content, added an event number indicator.
* Career post-race podium screen – fixed Lap times formatting to use the more logical MMSSTTT formatting (e.g. 01:20.457).
* HUD now reports correct split times to vehicles that are in the pits.
* Updated the Class logos used by Road cars to better differentiate the various road car classes.
* Fixed an issue with the Field of View slider not working.
* Fixed an issue where Cut Track warning messages appeared in the centre of the screen instead of to the side, out of the player’s line of sight.
* Enhanced Replay system – players can now access Photo Mode from within a replay, and can switch between cars during a replay.
* Replay Cameras – Azure Circuit – reworked the draw distance and positioning of a number of cameras to fix background issues and views being obstructed by trackside objects.
* Replay Cameras – Hockenheim National – improved the positioning of a number of cameras to fix views being obstructed by trackside objects.
* Fixed a crash that occurred when the player loaded a replay that was saved with an older version of the game.
Controls & FFB
New – implemented the ability via menu sliders for the user to manually tweak the menu spring strength, stationary / low speed spring strength, and overall steering gain:
Menu Spring – the strength of the wheel centering spring in the front end and in-game pause menu.
Low Speed Spring Coefficient & Saturation – the weight of the steering at slow speeds (<10mph) and when the car is stationary. The saturation is the maximum force for the spring and the coefficient is how quickly the spring takes effect. To avoid "cogging / notching" effects when stationary its best to leave the spring coefficient high and lower the saturation.
Steering Gain – the gain (multiplier) applied to all steering effects (steering force, jolts, kerb rumble etc) after they have been mixed. For a clean more detailed experience set at 1.0 or below, for stronger feedback at the expense of clipping set higher (maximum value 5).
New – the Force Feedback Calibration screen now features a multiple force feedback profile selection system whereby the user can select a base FFB style that suits personal preference, and then tweak it further as desired. You can now switch between current FFB settings (Default) and pre-1.4 (classic) by using the FFB Calibration presets. These presets are available under Options > Controls > Calibrate Force Feedback. The presets are set on top of this page and the new sliders to control the spring/steering effect are at the bottom. Whenever you change these values it becomes a custom preset. You can switch back to either Default or Classic by selecting them at the top of this page.
* Fanatec – added accelerator slip vibration support for Fanatec wheel rims that support this feature. Added accelerator pedal rumble support for the ClubSport Pedals V3, and fixed brake rumble not working.
* Logitech wheels – added LED support for the G29.
* Custom wheels – reduced the default menu spring strength.
* Fixed an issue where the in-game menu spring centered the wheel when pausing while driving, which was jarring when both entering and exiting.
* Handbrake and boost controls assignments are now no longer mandatory.
* Fixed an issue where mouse controls were producing a deadzone in the centre regardless of deadzone settings.
* Fixed an issue where there was a sudden loss of FFB after a severe collision.
* 125cc and 250cc karts – adjusted automatic gearbox algorithm for better shifting. This reduces the occurrence of the rapid fire downshifts from 6th to 1st when locking the rear brakes.
* Audi R18 e-tron quattro – added the missing gear readout to cockpit display. Fixed ‘quattro’ to lower case in the showroom (licensing).
* Aston Martin Vantage GT3 – fixed the impact test position for the rear centre brake light, to ensure accurate impact damage effects on the light.
* Bentley Continental GT3 – fixed slight asymmetry in rear suspension design which was causing some unintentional cross weight.
* BMW M3 GT – set to use same tyre widths as the other GT3 cars. This helps equalize performance and acts to level the playing field, as this car would have used such tyre sizes if it ran beyond 2012 against the rest of the GT3 cars.
* BMW V12 LMR – fixed engine lifetime numbers to match other similar cars.
* Group 5 cars and BMW M1 – tweaked rain tyres heat and sensitivities to prevent them from overheating in light rain.
* Escort MK1 and DLC BMW 2002 Turbo – rebalanced the AI performance.
* Formula A -– added a new tyre set that includes two slick tyres: ‘Soft’ and ‘Medium’. Rebalanced the heating and wear across all four tyre sets. Reworked tyre wear to more closely match real world Formula 1 cars. Heating is now more even front to rear. Further rebalancing of the AI speed (now faster) as was required, and tweaks to the base setup to accommodate the heat change and its effect on the balance. The medium slicks make consistent grip between 180-220F, making this compound more useful as a strategic, lower wear choice. The soft slicks are the default dry tyre.
* Formula C – dropped the AI ability in the rain a bit more for this car, as the AI was still too fast in the rain.
* Lotus 98T – new setup to help handle the power better, new rain tyre tweaks for better heating. Some change for the slick heating and inflation pressure sensitivity of the carcass.
* McLaren MP4 12C – adjusted the default setup to match the change to stiffer tyres.
* McLaren P1 – stiffened up the default suspension to help prevent bottoming out at tracks like Nordschliefe. Changed tyre walls to Pirelli (licensing).
* McLaren F1 GTR – added suspension animations to limit front wheel movement in order to stop them clipping through the bodywork on large compressions.
* Pagani Huayra – corrected the default dry and wet tyres so that the correct tyre is selected when using ‘Automatic by Weather’.
* Radical SR3 and SR8 – reduced the backlight on the gear LCD in the cockpit to make it easier to read at night.
* Renault Clio Cup – updated suspension tuning and gear ratios to match exactly with correct reference data for the X98CUP Mk.4 car.
* RWD P20 LMP2 – recalibrated oil and water temperature warning lights to turn on when the engine is starting to overheat.
* Various DLC Vehicles – rebalanced the in-cockpit exposure levels.
* Various cars – recalibrated the tyre deformation effect. This fixes many cars which were seeing too little or reversed lateral tyre deformations.
* Various cars – graphical issues addressed – Mercedes C-Coupe DTM, Sauber C9, Audi 90, Audi R8 LMS Ultra, Audi R18, Audi R18 e-tron, Aston Martin Rapide, BAC Mono, Bentley Continental GT3, Bentley Speed 8, BMW 1M, BMW Z4 GT3, BMW 320 Group5, BMW M3 E30 GroupA, Caterham Classic, Caterham SP300R, Ford Capri Group5, Ford MkIV, Formula C, Formula A, Ginetta G55 GT4, McLaren F1, Ruf RGT8 GT3, Ruf RGT8.
* Various cars – updated to use the correct tread textures for various tyre compounds
* Modern street cars – new stiffer tyres for improved drivability, to more closely match the real world experience. This makes these cars more fun and engaging to drive. Made tweaks to the individual setups of the FWD and most Supercars to accommodate the change.
* 4WD/hybrid vehicles – enabled visual backfires.
* Azure Circuit – reset the AI track grip for the faster Formula A cars, and tweaked the driving lines to help with AI getting stuck in barriers.
* Bathurst – fixed an issue where cars would collide against invisible objects in the pit lane, and fixed an issue with black shapes appearing in the rear view mirrors on some parts of the track.
* California Highway – reworked the allowable driving surfaces in the final section on the double lane highway to allow the player to drive on both sides.
* Dubai layouts – fixed a graphical anomaly on the track surface.
* Glencairn East – fixed a false cut track warning that would trigger while driving on-track.
* Nordschliefe – fixed an issue where AI attempting to leave their pit spots was being blocked by cars in the pit spot directly in front of them.
* Ruapuna layouts – improved the texture quality on the distant trees, and reworked the wire mesh on the marshal posts to prevent them from turning opaque at a distance.
* Sakitto GP – unblocked pit lane and added pit lane directional signage.
* Sakitto International – fixed an issue where the AI would run too wide and collide with the barrier in the downhill left handed sweeper.
* Silverstone layouts – fixed a false cut track warning at the pit entrance.
* Snetterton 200 – fixed an issue where the player would receive a cut track warning when entering the pits’
* Spa Francorchamps – fixed an issue where a number of bollards marking track limits had stopped appearing.
* Watkins Glen layouts – fixed an issue where the pit entry would trigger if a player drove very close to the pit wall on the main straight, and fixed a few graphical pop-up issues.
* Various tracks – Imola, Oschersleben GP, Oschersleben C course – cut track detection adjustments.
Oculus Rift
* Implemented support for Oculus SDK.
* Added support for a separate Graphics profile “GraphicsConfigOculusDX11.xml” when running with the Oculus Rift. This means that you can now set your graphic details to high/max when playing without the Rift, and turn the details down for optimum performance when using the Rift and the game will maintain both configurations and apply the applicable one automatically.
* Auto disabled Crepuscular rays, Vignette and full screen raindrops.
* Fixed excessive object pop-in in Oculus Rift mode that was caused by the modified field of view used in VR.
* Shadow support – further work towards getting shadow support fully implemented.
* Fixed SLI/XFire windowed mode performance issues – SLI/XFire isn't available in windowed mode, but several Renderer paths were still active, resulting in reduced performance, most notably for Oculus Rift which fakes a windowed mode.
* Added a command-line option "-vrnomirror" that disables the desktop mirror. This will gain around 3-4% performance.
* Fixed the issue where non cockpit view cameras were not incorporating the head-pose position correctly, which caused the camera to be spawned very low down.
* Fixed the issue where the view in the Oculus Rift froze when returning to the main menu after a race.
* Fixed the issue where using FXAA caused black/opaque rendering when using Oculus Rift.
* Players are no longer disqualified for running out of fuel after finishing the race.
* Fixed an issue that would award players with a race win when skipping session after a false start.
* Fixed an issue with 24Hz 4k Monitor modes causing the graphics code to fail to load.
* Added support to enable Opponent Car Reflections by using the “-insane” command-line option.
* Jumpstart tolerances adjusted to make the penalty more realistic when the player starts moving his vehicle before the green lights.
* Fixed an issue that caused vehicle windows to appear invisible in the player’s rear view mirrors.
* Fixed an issue with Real-time weather not working.
by thegfw

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