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游戏进化史2 v1.0.9106升级档+免DVD补丁ALiAS版








- 固定的高分辨率屏幕的一些用户界面元素位置
- 防止离开海盗岛乘船时手动火山爆炸
- 和其他一些小的修改


- 修正了离开金字塔在未来的危机不引发世界地图有时
- 固定的滚动停止对一些决议,到达天台之前
- 固定罕见的软锁在实验室老板是垂死
- 和其他一些小的修改


- 在选项菜单中添加有能力建立控制器
- 增加了L / R键设置
- 在实验室固定的最后一个软锁的bug


- 在实验室固定软锁的bug
- 固定的问题,屏幕大小> 2048


- 李在简易模式更容易
- 在cardgame固定国际泳联的bug
- 固定实验室一些软锁
- 修正了在世界地图翅膀起飞了一些软锁
- 最后的上司在简易模式更容易
- 修正错误的屏幕大小> 2048开始比赛的时候
- 展示介绍时,固定错误一些不兼容的视频卡
- 在拍摄部分较少子弹在简易模式
- 其他一些小的bug修复在这里和那里


- 新的游戏手柄的支持:应抑制的滞后,可能会导致问题的一些垫(见其他职位http://steamcommunity.com/app/359310/discussions/0/527274088388221204/)
- 移动显示列表中的“街头战士”战斗暂停时
- 海盗船长贝巴现在更容易击败的简易模式
- 其他一些小的bug修复在这里和那里


在退出异常时要保持阻止重力 - 
- 对雷诺和樱桃审查的斗争,特别是在简易模式
- 在轻松模式下删除在道部分一些箱子
- 增加了w​​ikings权力成本简易模式
- 固定的问题,有时会出现保存时
- 失去的3D环境时,修正了一些问题,纹理
- 其他一些小的bug修复在这里和那里


- 修正了太多的缓存/内存全在某些图形卡
- 失去的3D环境不再产生黑屏的3D地方
- 修正了在那里你可以一段时间后,boss战打一个RTC移动
- 重装保存退出J.Snow后回家时,修正了
- 你不能再买了,你自己已经是equipable项目
- 增加了一些自动保存在DEMONIA活动结束
- 固定的文本没有翻译的失落岛
- 金字塔附近起飞时,固定软锁
- 对标题屏幕分辨率的一些固定版本的文本位置
- 固定实验室拼不启动在某些情况下(而不是显示错误)
- 不显示错误,如果没有找到pad.exe
离开港口时,被显示在世界地图固定kneel_end - 


- 改变Finrost甲板
- 固定的内存缓存被清理更经常(错误#1000 - 内存不足)
- 固定的LevelUp而穿着铠甲
- 固定的实验室错误,可能允许开展一次几个动作,使得游戏的软锁之后
- 固定实验室退出菜单行为
- 固定Dalkin防止继续,如果你的设备升级到东西比一个士兵
- 固定Shift + Tab键在考虑转移是仍然坚持用手柄玩,回到比赛的时候
- 固定诺里亚巨魔卡名称
- 如果修复你对梅花数枚炸弹
充电menos时,而下一个箭头出现固定beathem锁 - 
- 固定的杀灭能力巨魔老板在第一阶段
- 固定维京师锁定在碰撞(与固定孔内部触发它)
- 在战术上的固定雷达菜单错误/空气精灵森林
- 如果你不能打开拉博门,你现在回去弹得(2)再战梅花
- 固定樱桃有时杀得(足够的)的英雄
- 固定罕见的无法打到最终BOSS的时候了屏幕
- 固定无限梯登高的bug
- 改变C010卡CAA
- 增加HTTP调用到我们的服务器登录致命错误


- tomatoz不再杀人,能在过去的(使用NAWI电源要杀死他们,因为它最初是刨)
- 固定的“断言”/错误1009错误,有时后WP爆炸
- 当返回中途退出后,海盗的藏身之处,红色的门现在是打开


Today update 1.0.9106 brings the following fixes (you can see your current version at title screen bottom left):

- fixed some UI elements positions in high resolution screen
- prevent leaving pirate island by boat manually when volcano explodes
- and a few other minor fixes

Previous 1.0.9101 also updated:

- fixed leaving pyramid in futur not triggering worldmap sometimes
- fixed scroll stop on some resolutions before reaching rooftop
- fixed rare soft lock when laboratory boss is dying
- and a few other minor fixes

Previous 1.0.9094 also updated:

- added ability to setup controller in options menu
- added L/R keys setup
- fixed last soft lock bug in laboratory

Previous 1.0.9086 also updated:

- fixed soft lock bugs in laboratory
- fixed issues with screen size >2048

Previous 1.0.9077 also updated:

- plum more easy in easy mode
- fixed fina bug in cardgame
- fixed some soft locks in laboratory
- fixed some soft locks with wing takeoff on worldmap
- final boss more easy in easy mode
- fixed error when starting game on screen size >2048
- fixed error when showing intro on some incompatible video cards
- less bullets in shoot section in easy mode
- several other minor bug fixes here and there

Previous 1.0.9051 also updated:

- new game pad support : should suppress lags, might cause issues with some pads (see other post http://steamcommunity.com/app/359310/discussions/0/527274088388221204/)
- show moves list when pausing during "street fighter" fight
- pirate captain ababa is now even easier to beat in easy mode
- several other minor bug fixes here and there

Previous 1.0.9035 also updated:

- prevented gravity to be kept when exiting anomaly
- reviewed fight against reno and cherry, especially in easy mode
- removed some boxes in runner section in easy mode
- increased wikings powers costs in easy mode
- fixed issue occurring sometimes when saving
- fixed some issues with textures when losing 3D context
- several other minor bug fixes here and there

Previous 1.0.9016 also updated:

- fixed too many buffers / memory full on some graphics cards
- losing 3D context no longer produces a black screen in 3D places
- fixed bug where you could move while playing an RTC after a boss fight
- fixed bug when reloading a save after exiting J.Snow home
- you can't buy anymore an equipable item that you own already
- added a few autosave at the end of demonia campaign
- fixed text not translated on Lost Island
- fixed soft lock when taking off near pyramid
- fixed version text position on some resolutions on title screen
- fixed laboratory fight not starting in some cases (instead displaying error)
- don't display error if pad.exe not found
- fixed kneel_end being displayed on worldmap when exiting Harbor

Monday 1.0.8990 also updated:

- changed Finrost deck
- fixed memory cache being cleaned more often (error #1000 - out of memory)
- fixed levelup while wearing armor
- fixed Laboratory bug that could allow to launch several actions at once, making the game soft lock afterwards
- fixed Laboratory quit menu behavior
- fixed Dalkin preventing to continue if you upgraded your unit to something else than a soldier
- fixed Shift+Tab considering shift being still hold when playing with gamepad and returning to game
- fixed Noria Troll card name
- fix in case you get several bombs against plum
- fixed beathem lock when charging menos while next arrow appeared
- fixed ability to kill troll boss in its first phase
- fixed wiking locked in collide (and fixed hole in house that triggered it)
- fixed radar menu error in tactics/sylph forest
- if you can't open labo door, you now get back bombs have to fight plum(2) again
- fixed cherry sometimes not killing (enough) hero
- fixed rare inability to hit final boss when out of screen
- fixed infinite ladder climb bug
- changed C010 card to CAA
- added http call to log fatal errors on our server

Saturday 1.0.8972 also updated:

- tomatoz are no longer kill-able in past (use nawi power to kill them as it was originally planed)
- fixed "assert"/error 1009 error sometimes after wp explode
- when returning to pirate hideout after quitting halfway, the red door is now opened


游戏进化史2 ALiAS硬盘版:http://bt.ali213.net/show-0a85fcf8e8c98136624216971274a2946fd26a04.html

by ALiAS


· 游戏进化史2 v1.0.9135升级档+免DVD补丁ALiAS版

· 游戏进化史2 v1.0.9135升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

· 游戏进化史2 v1.0.9106两项修改器MrAntiFun版

· 游戏进化史2 单独免DVD补丁SKIDROW版

· 游戏进化史2 v1.0.9106单独免DVD补丁BAT版