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永恒之柱皇家版 v2.03.0788升级档+DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)







Pillars of Eternity: Champion Edition Upgrade Pack
Pillars of Eternity: Royal Edition Upgrade Pack
Pillars of Eternity - The White March Part I











- 永恒的支柱现在有蒸汽控制器支持。一旦更新是实时的默认模板将被设置。
- 这里是可以对在蒸汽的大屏幕模式下访问模板中找到一个建议配置。
- 新的按键绑定已被添加到支持所需蒸汽控制器控制方案的其他操作。


- 基本偏折5抬起。
- 击倒得到了1.20伤害加成(不再获得额外挤压损坏)
- 纪律弹幕从+10上升到+15精度
- 装甲格雷斯已经缩小,从-15%到-20%装甲恢复点球
- 从10-16清除基地挤压伤害提高到15-22。 15%按比例7后每3个级别。
- 加入战局的伤害提高15%,扩展后的5,每3级。


- 修正了某些任​​务来考虑授予它的经验,而不是一个问题。
- 修正了chanters不能够设置他们的圣歌,他们接受再培训后,正确的问题。
- 修正了一个问题,即再培训是让人物获得无限的技能点。
- 采用存储过滤器现在只显示适当的项目,而不是变灰等物品在商店面板。
- 修正了据点多的问题,以及如何与DLC内容的互动。
- 修正了主角角色创建后不久失去他或她的背景问题。


- 现在可以在多个非宠物字符同时启用/禁用的AI。
- 已解决的问题,其中AI不会自动攻击敌人。
- 已解决的问题,其中的AI将参与被隐藏的战争迷雾的敌人。
- 修正了一个问题,即人工智能脚轮会按剩下的技能施放,尽管该选项被关闭。
- 修正了AI控制的党员进行攻击为之倾倒或迷惑其他党员的问题。
- 审查和更新了什么法术/技能的施放人工智能型材多个类别。

怪物/敌人/ NPC的:

- 多个敌人类型都被赋​​予豁免权,以一定的痛苦。
- 这些敌人类型有他们的动物寓言集更新,以反映这些豁免权。
- 修正了关于全国人民代表大会的反应多个问题,完成某些任务后,
- 关于敌人/ NPC的探测潜行角色,以及如何为潜行人物,他们的反应检测修复了多个漏洞。
- 全动物寓言重新平衡的要求解锁来确定未解锁的难度方便某些敌人。
- 增加了额外的信息,寓言多个敌人类型。


- 小魔典印记进行了多次修正,现在按预期工作。
- 修正了一个与游侠的潜行者的链接能力增加太多的精确度在某些情况下。
- 修正了某些爱好者和能力的作战结束后持续存在的问题。
- 圣Ydwen的救世主的复活阵亡的能力现在可以正常工作。
- 修正了一个问题,允许Chanters选择一个额外的天赋。
- 修正了debuff的“保税悲伤”不会恢复的动物同伴后移除的问题。


- 修正了一个问题Cragholdt的围攻,保持了从追求进步。
- 修正了灰色梦之任务线,将导致在完成后它失败的问题。
- 修正了“祭祀血缘”追求多重问题。
- 修正了交谈Maerwald后,将打破游戏进行的问题。
- 修正了一个问题,并没有让玩家杀死Thaos后完成游戏。

- 修正了一个问题,与旧爱实现先驱被授予过早。
- 修正了玩家不停接收白月第1部分成果的问题。

- 修正了当一个字符再培训,以除去附魔的问题。
- 修正了一个问题,允许哨兵束带将装备中的一环槽。
- 与Badgradr的路障固定的结界的问题。
- 修正了一个关于武器的排水修改将消失。
- 修正了一个导致萨布拉玛丽被错误归类的问题。


- 修正了韩国文字的多个问题。


Hey, all! 

Today we are excited to announce that the first of four new short stories in the world of Pillars of Eternity has been released. First up is a story following the companion, Sagani, written by Pillars of Eternity narrative designer, Carrie Patel! You can access the story, entitled "The Ratcatcher," here: 


We are also happy to announce that the Patch Beta for Update 2.03 is now live on Steam. 

You can get instructions on how to access the Patch Beta here: 


The following is the work in progress patch notes for the Update 2.03: 

Steam Controller: 

- Pillars of Eternity now has support for the Steam controller. The default template will be set once the update is live. 
- There is a suggested configuration that can be found on the templates that are accessed in Steam's big screen mode. 
- New key bindings have been added to support additional actions needed for the Steam controller control schemes. 

Fighter Changes: 

- Base Deflection raised up by 5. 
- Knockdown gets a 1.20 damage multiplier (no longer gets bonus Crush damage) 
- Disciplined Barrage raised from +10 to +15 Accuracy 
- Armored Grace has been scaled from -15% to -20% Armor Recovery Penalty 
- Clear Out base Crush damage increased from 10-16 to 15-22. Scales every 3 levels after 7 by 15%. 
- Into the Fray's damage scales every 3 levels after 5 by 15%. 

Major Fixes: 

- Fixed an issue that was causing certain quests to take experience instead of granting it. 
- Fixed a problem with chanters not being able to set their chants properly after they have retrained. 
- Fixed an issue where retraining was allowing characters to obtain unlimited skill points. 
- Using store filters now only shows the appropriate items instead of graying out other items in the store panel. 
- Fixed multiple issues with the stronghold and how it interacted with DLC content. 
- Fixed an issue that caused the main character to lose his or her background shortly after character creation. 

Party/Companion AI: 

- Can now enable/disable AI on multiple non-pet characters at the same time. 
- Fixed issues where AI would not automatically attack enemies. 
- Fixed issues where AI would engage enemies that were hidden by fog of war. 
- Fixed an issue where AI casters would cast per-rest abilities despite the option being turned off.
- Fixed an issue that caused AI controlled party members to attack other party members that were charmed or confused. 
- Reviewed and updated what spells/abilities are cast in AI profiles for multiple classes. 


- Multiple enemy types have been given immunities to certain afflictions. 
- These enemy types have had their bestiary updated to reflect these immunities. 
- Fixed multiple issues regarding NPC reactivity after completing certain quests 
- Fixed multiple bugs regarding Enemies/NPCs detecting stealthed characters and how they react to stealthed characters that they detect. 
- Rebalanced requirements for full bestiary unlocks for certain enemies that were not unlocking on easy difficulty. 
- Added additional bestiary information for multiple enemy types. 


- Minor Grimoire Imprint has had multiple fixes and now works as intended. 
- Fixed an issue with the Ranger's Stalker's Link ability adding too much accuracy in some situations. 
- Fixed an issue that caused certain buffs and abilities to persist after combat ended. 
- St. Ydwen's Redeemer's Revive the Fallen ability now works correctly. 
- Fixed an issue that allowed Chanters to choose an extra talent. 
- Fixed an issue where the debuff "Bonded Grief" would not be removed after reviving animal companions. 


- Fixed an issue with The Siege of Cragholdt that kept the quest from progressing. 
- Fixed an issue with the Grey Sleeper questline that would cause it fail after completing it. 
- Fixed multiple issues with the "Sacrificial Bloodlines" quest. 
- Fixed an issue that would break game progression after talking to Maerwald. 
- Fixed an issue that didn't allow the player to complete the game after killing Thaos. 

- Fixed an issue with the Herald of the Old Flame achievement being awarded prematurely. 
- Fixed an issue that kept players from receiving White March Part 1 achievements. 

- Fixed an issue that caused enchants to be removed when a character retrained. 
- Fixed an issue that allowed Sentinel's Girdle to be equipped in a ring slot. 
- Fixed enchantment issues with Badgradr's Barricade. 
- Fixed an issue where the draining modification on weapons would disappear. 
- Fixed an issue that caused Sabra Marie to be mis-categorized. 


- Fixed multiple issues with Korean text. 

by thegfw


· 《Pillars of Eternity》汉化补丁

· 《永恒之柱》v1.0-v3.06二十四项修改器风灵月影版

· 永恒之柱 个人二次汉化补丁V2.1

· 永恒之柱 游侠LMAO汉化组内核汉化补丁V4.4[可以输入中文名]

· 永恒之柱 游侠LMAO汉化组内核汉化补丁V4.3[可以输入中文名]