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村庄 v1.005升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版











- 米勒会发现现在从储藏的粮食。
- 死亡和老年村民的职业现在将括号中的名称后显示。
- Raincatchers现在可以在第4章的一开始就建立在不影响任务的完成。
- 与保管人的一些问题已得到修复。
- 农场,农田和农民将现在的工作,因为他们应该。那些慵懒的混蛋!
- 农民将不再抢种领域范围之外。
- 村民将不再惧怕某些房子感动。但是,一旦他们找到一个合作伙伴,而不伙伴村民将仍然只有进入房屋。
- 怀孕村民将不再有延迟交付,ERGO没有“怀孕2-3天!”信息将被显示了。
- 村民在卧室里有更多的乐趣了。重放应该增加。
- 修正了导致几个问题卡住村民,不动村民,饿死村民和季节打破了游戏的快速更换。
- 婴儿将不再死于神秘的原因。
- 在极少数情况下,老村民加载秘技时死亡。这是现在固定。
- 直到字段耕种表示新领域的边界,现在保持活跃。
- 菲尔兹将会正确地在冰雪覆盖。
- 在极少数情况下,warehousers被偷窃的物品右出其他村民手中。我们停止了这个挂羊头卖狗肉!
- 谷仓动物现在将开始第一个动物繁殖。这应该是减少混乱。
- 第四章:Raincatcher问题和士兵的问题应该是固定的。
- 第2章:错误保持一些球员从进展应该是固定的。
- 招商现在就会滚滚而来。大食人魔保持探望你的城市的客商已被删除。
- 拥有多个帐户的同一台机器上玩的时候成就现在将触发。
- 谷仓平衡得到了提高。你会再爱鸡!
- 增加了垂直同步切换到图形选项。
- 继父母子女不应该再饿死。
- 按计划和现有的农作物将予删除,以及删除字段将现在的工作。
- 改变该领域的“收获过早”按钮,一个进度指示器。该按钮有在游戏中的当前版本没有任何意义。
- 在谷仓窗口中的一些文本的固定定位。


Changelog of v1.005 


- Millers will now find grain from storages. 
- Profession of dead and aged Villagers will now be shown after the name in parenthesis. 
- Raincatchers can now be built at the very beginning of chapter 4 without affecting the completion of the tasks. 
- Some problems with the warehouser have been fixed. 
- The farm, fields and farmers will now work as they should. Those lazy bastards! 
- Farmers will no longer plant crops outside of the field bounds. 
- Villagers will no longer be in fear of moving in certain houses. But Villagers without partners will still only move into houses once they find a partner. 
- Pregnant Villagers will no longer have late deliveries, ergo no "Pregnancy! -3 days" messages will be shown anymore. 
- Villagers have more fun in the bedroom now. Reproduction should be increased. 
- Fixed several issues causing stuck Villagers, not moving Villagers, starving to death Villagers and the quick changing of seasons breaking the game. 
- Babies will no longer die of mysterious reasons. 
- In rare cases, old Villagers died when loading a savegame. This is now fixed. 
- The border indicating a new field will now stay active until the field is tilled. 
- Fields will now be correctly covered in snow. 
- In rare cases, the warehousers were stealing items right out of the hands of other Villagers. We stopped this trickery! 
- Barn animals will now start reproducing with the first animal. This should be less confusing. 
- Chapter 4: Raincatcher problems and soldier problems should be fixed. 
- Chapter 2: Bugs keeping some players from progressing should be fixed. 
- Merchants will now keep coming. The big ogre keeping the merchants from visiting your town has been removed. 
- Achievements will now trigger when playing on the same machine with multiple accounts. 
- The barn balancing has been improved. You'll love the chickens again! 
- Added V-Sync toggle to the graphics options. 
- Children following their parents should no longer starve to death. 
- Removing fields will now work as intended and existing crops will now be removed as well. 
- Changed the field's "harvest prematurely" button to a progression indicator. The button had no meaning in the current version of the game. 
- Fixed localization of some texts in the barn window. 

by BAT


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