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劲爆美国棒球17 v17.5.43升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版









快乐开幕日!我们刚刚发布了第二次更新为OOTP 17,版本号43年5月17日。它改善了多种功能,包括最新的美国职棒大联盟名册(需开始一个新游戏更改申请),并同时播放出3D游戏或不兼容与Mac OSX 10.7和10.8修复了几个错误和问题,例如有些崩溃的问题。

- 改进的2016年美国职棒大联盟名册集(需要开始新游戏更改申请)
- 玩出在3D模式下游戏时的一些Mac电脑与PC的固定崩溃的问题
- 与Mac OSX 10.7和10.8修正兼容性问题。
- 修复问题与池草案包含符合历史未成年人的历史游戏太多的球员
- 增加了早期的太平洋海岸联盟在1921年开始的历史小联盟数据库
- 修正了不正常的联赛总修饰符的问题,一些历史小联盟
- 团队没有附属小联盟现在已经进入一个储备名册即使在40人名单规则生效
- 无党派小联盟球队现在已经进入一个储备名册
- 增加了向非关联的小联盟球队被购买,设置供玩家付费选项(小联盟的建立,规则选项卡)
- 增加了标识为新的西弗吉尼亚州的黑熊
- 在2016年美国职棒大联盟比赛固定的顺序问题草案
- 这可能导致崩溃的固定内存泄漏是长期的模拟
- 修正了新闻/伤害/事务日志不会被擦除错误根据设置
- 调整了投手恢复疲劳,相比OOTP 16先发投手恢复得太快
- 扭曲贸易的AI受伤的球员
- 扭曲的年轻投手的球探,球探减轻偏好位(用于往往低估投手能力高的优先)的影响
- 增加了真正的首发阵容为1906年和1907年
- 修正了几个小错误和化妆品的问题




我们刚刚发布的第一个更新OOTP 17,版本号36年4月17日。它修复了几个问题,并提高游戏的其他特点:

- 改进的2016年美国职棒大联盟名册集(需要开始新游戏更改申请)
- 大大改善质量包括真正MLBPA FaceGen图片
- 改进的模拟速度(对某些系统显着改善)
- 增加了一个新的快速启动“2016年美国职棒大联盟”只包括了美国职棒大联盟,加上附属小联盟
- 修正了错误的球员们在随机登场的历史联赛自动导入
- 固定的问题,尽管外国人限制国际联盟签订了太多的国外免费代理
- 修正了在历史数据库的一些问题
- 改进的3D游戏反弹
- 改进的球员选择退出的逻辑
- 修正了在Steam工作室对话框弹出后,推迟游戏的bug
- 修正了在目录路径中的特殊字符(无法保存数据库文件)
- 增加HOF选票年和归纳%,至退役的球员名单(需要删除的数据/表文件夹)
- 修正草案/ FA国际财务预算问题
- 修正了几个小错误和化妆品的问题


Happy Opening Day! We have just released the second update for OOTP 17, version number 17.5.43. It improves several features, includes the latest MLB rosters (need to start a new game for changes to apply) and fixes several bugs and issues, for example some crashing issues while playing out games in 3D or an incompatibility with Mac OSX 10.7 and 10.8. 

Full changelist: 
- Improved 2016 MLB roster sets (need to start new game for changes to apply) 
- Fixed crash issues on some Macs & PCs when playing out games in 3D mode 
- Fixed compatibility issues with Mac OSX 10.7 and 10.8. 
- Fixed problems with the draft pool containing too many players in historical games with historical minors 
- Added the early Pacific Coast League to the historical minor league database starting in 1921 
- Fixed issues with out of whack league total modifiers in some historical minor leagues 
- Teams without affiliated minor leagues now have access to a reserve roster even when the 40-man roster rule is in effect 
- Unaffiliated minor league teams now have access to a reserve roster 
- Added the option to set a fee for players being purchased from unaffiliated minor league teams (minor league setup, rules tab) 
- Added logos for the new West Virginia Black Bears 
- Fixed draft order issues in 2016 MLB game 
- Fixed memory leaks which may have resulted in crashes is long term simulations 
- Fixed a bug that caused news / injury / transaction logs not being erased according to the setting 
- Tweaked pitcher fatigue recovery, compared to OOTP 16 starting pitchers recovered too quickly 
- Tweaked trade AI for injured players 
- Tweaked scouting of young pitchers, lessening the effect of scout preference a bit (high ability preference used to underrate pitchers too often) 
- Added real lineups for 1906 and 1907 
- Fixed several small bugs and cosmetic issues 


We have just released a hotfix update, version number 17.4.37. It fixes a problem with AI teams not offering free agents any contracts during the offseason. 


We have just released the first update for OOTP 17, version number 17.4.36. It fixes several issues and improves other features of the game: 

- Improved 2016 MLB roster sets (need to start new game for changes to apply) 
- Greatly improved quality for included real MLBPA FaceGen images 
- Improved simulation speed (dramatic improvements for some systems) 
- Added a new quickstart "MLB 2016" which only includes the MLB plus the affiliated minor leagues 
- Fixed bug where wrong players were imported automatically in random debut historical leagues 
- Fixed problem with international leagues signing too many foreign free agents despite foreigner limit 
- Fixed some issues in the historical databases 
- Improved 3D gameplay bounces 
- Improved player opt-out logic 
- Fixed a bug that caused the Steam Workshop dialog to pop up after postponed games 
- Fixed bug with special characters in directory path (could not save database file) 
- Added HOF ballot years and induction pct to retired player lists (need to delete data/tables folder) 
- Fixed financial issues with draft/intl FA budgets 
- Fixed several small bugs and cosmetic issues 

by BAT


· 劲爆美国棒球17 v17.10.67升级档单独免DVD补丁BAT版

· 劲爆美国棒球17 v17.10.67升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

· 劲爆美国棒球17 v17.9.59升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

· 劲爆美国棒球17 v17.8.54升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

· 劲爆美国棒球17 v17.7.51单独免DVD补丁BAT版