资讯 游戏 论坛 手游 攻略

西娅:觉醒 v1.15.1614.1升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版








Return of the Giants



- 本土化德语,波兰语,俄语和法语,
- 全英语配音的所有事件,
- 故事事件编辑器,
- 70个新事件,
- 4个新的建筑类型,
- 9新的音乐曲目,
- 其他人物,物品和艺术品的事件,
- 新人类的类和怪物,
- 新的质量属性,它可以修改设备参数,
- 设备屏幕上的项目比较弹出,
- 研究 - 点击一个研究资源将显示一个弹出,如果它在地图上找到,在HUD上的顶部添加一个图标,使您可以查看它的位置,通知,
- 日志 - 增加眼睛图标,它位于连接到任务的地方,
- HUD - 在左上角添加暂停菜单按钮,
- HUD - 当轮到你开始新转向的消息,
- 难度水平高于5(最多10个),
- 巢穴产卵的重新平衡,以提供更多的品种和更好的控制难度,
- 一些食谱现在可以利用最少的宝贵的资源,如粘土,
- 改进了自动解决,
- 研究成本是多种多样的,有些科技股的成本比1RP多,
- 藤和蜘蛛网给予奖励远程武器,
- 库存 - 增加了两个按钮+10移动项目的堆栈时,
- 村勇士可以用一只手挥舞2双手剑,
- 卡的minigame - 点击一个消息,将它关闭
- 珠宝物品现在可以正确地占用一个插槽,可以让人物穿同时珠宝首饰两件,
- 重新洗牌应该每次都给予不同的结果,
- 手工艺屏幕 - 要求确认现在应该正确地考虑到催化剂的要求
- 球员个人资料 - 这些都可以保存在两个不同的地点(游戏文件夹或系统用户配置文件),希望帮助那些,谁曾试图保存/载入游戏时限制访问某些文件夹。配置文件允许您有一个以上的游戏开始在同一时间,但不同的配置文件环境中。
- 改变字体系统在卡片上,这应该防止Linux文本消失,
- 改变了性格标签列表字体系统上的库存和装备 - 这应该提高易读性一点,
- 基本木材资源总是可以从一开始的经济环境下轻松和正常;
- 一对夫妇新的角色卡和地图的模型。
- 修正为已完成,即使它是低于阈值的统治胜利的研究要求将被标记错误,
- 修正了打开神/胜利信息画面时,不正确的标签被证明的错误。
- 如果你输掉一场比赛,当怪物进入你的不设防的村庄,一个弹出窗口会通知你有关你已经失去了的原因。
构建1224年1月10日 - 主枝
- 提高游戏的性能并消除任何问题(如不显示/更新标记)的冒出结果。
- 不能正确显示载入游戏后的第一个回合固定一天的时间(更新之前,如果你在夜间轮流保存的游戏,它看起来就像白天轮流在加载后结束了回合后过渡到正确的日期时间) ;
- 进一步调整,以灵活的木材及龙皮肤(增加了采集) - 尽管这其中可能已经在前面的主要分支版本。


Update v1.11.1312.0:
DLC changes

New features:
- Localization to German, Polish, Russian and French,
- Full English voiceover for all events,
- Story Events Editor,
- 70 new events,
- 4 new building types,
- 9 new music tracks,
- Additional characters, items and events artwork,
- New human classes and monsters,
- New Quality attribute, which can modify equipment parameters,
- Compare items popup on Equipment screen,
- Research - clicking on a researched resource will show a popup, informing if it was found on the map and add an icon on the top of the HUD, allowing you to view its location,
- Logbook - added eye icon, which locates places linked to the quest,
- HUD - added Pause Menu button in the top left corner,
- HUD - New Turn message when your turn begins,
- Difficulty levels above 5 (up to 10),
- Lair spawn rebalanced to provide more variety and better difficulty control,
- Some recipes can now utilize the least valuable resources such as clay,

- Improved Auto-resolve,
- Research costs are varied, some techs cost more than 1RP,
- Vine and Spiderweb give bonus to Ranged weapons,
- Inventory - added two +10 buttons when moving stacks of items,
- Village Warriors can wield 2-handed swords in one hand,
- Card Minigame - clicking on a message dismisses it

- Jewellery items now correctly take up one slot, allowing characters to wear two pieces of jewellery simultaneously,
- Reshuffle should give a different outcome every time,
- Crafting screen - requirement checking should now correctly take into account catalyst requirement

Build 1.11.1312 on main branch

- player profiles - these can be saved in two different locations (game folder or system user profile), hopefully helping those, who had restricted access to some folders when trying to save/load game. Profiles allow you to have more than one game started at the same time, but within a different profile environment.
- changed font system on cards, which should prevent text disappearing on Linux,
- changed font system on character tags list on Inventory and Equip - this should improve legibility a bit,
- basic Wood resource always available from the start for Economy setting Easy and Normal;
- a couple new character cards and map models.
- fixed a bug where research requirement in Domination Victory would be marked as completed even though it was below the threshold,
- fixed a bug where an incorrect tab was shown when opening Deity/Victory Info screen.
- if you lose a game when monsters enter your undefended village, a popup will inform you about the reason you've lost.

Build 1.10.1224 - main branch
- improve the game's performance and eliminate any problems (such as markers not showing/updating) that cropped up as a result.
- fixed day time not showing properly on the first turn after loading a game (before the update, if you saved the game during night turns, it would look like day turn upon loading and then transition to the correct day time after ending a turn);
- further tweaks to Nimble Wood and Dragon Skin (increased gathering) - though this one may have been already in in the previous main branch build. 



· 西娅:觉醒 v1.20.3919五项修改器MrAntiFun版

· 西娅:觉醒 v1.20兰斯头像替换MOD

· 西娅:觉醒 全版本五项修改器一Cv3版

· 西娅:觉醒 v1.20.1901.0四项修改器MrAntiFun版

· 西娅:觉醒 独立汉化组汉化补丁V1.0