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余火 v1.03升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版












- [HOTFIX]固定的一个问题,即国际汽联并没有在她的房间,当你在追求她(受此问题影响的将是自动打补丁的负载游戏存档)团聚
- 固定的问题,玩家与Windows用户名包含扩展字符也救不了
- 在战斗中失利后加载保存游戏时固定崩溃
- 固定的进展阻滞剂,如果你得到心灵的沼泽,回去喝药水,那么迅游回沼泽然后再跟死灵
- 增加了一个变通的奇怪的问题,即嘉不会使药水出现,主线任务会卡住
- 固定罕见的错误,其中蒙的大门将保持,即使在夜间关闭,使你无法得到与他交谈
- 修正了斯蒂芬的对话框中标点符号的错误在第一个关卡
- 增加了一个铺盖卷到光辉商家库存
- 制作从5秒治愈区最后10秒就像其描述说起来
- 在“洁净的巴罗斯”探索领域取得的敌人遭遇有点容易
- 增加了一个弹出框,你休息,并获得0%XP升压告诉球员,他们应该等待更多的休息后,
- 检测PC上的桌面分辨率的新途径,应该是更准确,如果桌面分辨率不是有效的游戏分辨率回落到1024×768
- 修正了一些语法问题书“到底是接近!”
- 修复漏洞,你可以很容易地通过使用“等待”功能,那么几次休息可以获得100%XP加速
- 固定问题,即你能获得的能力,迅游之前没有解锁牧羊犬平原迅游
- 科林更加清晰,你必须拖动干草一边透过深色木制门的时候
- 解锁即使你完成了任务“坏”的方式,在家里移动到叠翠“传奇之刃”成果
- 完成“Woodkeeper的女儿”的追求和选择照顾发光效果的时候,玩家被赋予一个发光效果的项目,他们可以选择做什么用
- 做铺盖的名字始终可见,以确保人们把它捡起来的第一个关卡
- 修正了一些特定于硬件的崩溃问题,由于着色器


Ember 1.03 Patch Notes
We have just released version 1.03 of Ember on Steam. This patch focuses on fixing the most common issues that users have been reporting. A big thank-you to everyone that reported bugs, and sent in saves, screenshots and logs.

Note that the first time you load your savegame in 1.03 the load may take a little longer than normal, as it has to spend some time patching your save game to the latest version of the world.

Here are the changes since version 1.00:

- [HOTFIX] fixed an issue where Fia wasn't in her chamber when you are on the quest to reunite with her (savegames affected by this issue will be auto-patched on load)
​- fixed the issue where players with Windows usernames with extended characters couldn’t save
- fixed a crash when loading save games ​after losing in battle
- fixed progression blocker if you get to the bog of souls, go back to drink the potion, then fast travel back to the bog then talk to the necro
- ​​added a work around for the weird issue where Gia wouldn’t make the potion appear and the main quest would get stuck
- fixed rare bug where Monte’s door would stay closed even at night so you couldn’t get in to talk to him
- fixed a punctuation error in Stephan’s dialog in first dungeon
- added a bedroll to the Radiance merchant’s inventory
- made Heal Area last 10 seconds like its description says, up from 5 seconds
- made enemy encounters in the “Cleanse the Barrows” quest area a bit easier
- added a popup box after you rest and gain 0% xp boost telling players they should have waited more to rest
- new way of detecting desktop resolution on PC that should be more accurate, and if desktop resolution isn’t a valid game resolution fall back to 1024x768
- fixed some grammar issues in the book “The End is Near!”
- fixed exploit where you could easily get 100% XP Boost by using the "wait" functionality a few times then resting
- fixed issue where you could unlock Shepherd Plains fast travel before gaining the ability to fast travel
- Coren is more clear that you have to drag the hay bales aside to get through the door in darkwood
- unlock “A Blade of Legend” achievement even if you complete that quest the “bad” way​, where the family moves to Pinnacle​
- when completing the “Woodkeeper’s Daughter” quest and choosing to take care of Glowy, the player is given a Glowy item they can choose what to do with
- made bedroll’s name always visible to ensure people pick it up in the first dungeon
- fixed some hardware-specific crashing issues due to shaders



· 余火 v1.046六项修改器MrAntiFun版

· 余火 v.1.043十项修改器CHEAT版

· 余火 v1.043五项修改器MrAntiFun版

· 余火 v1.043升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版

· 余火 v1.043升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版