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过山车大亨:世界 正式版1号升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版











PxP:Egypt PxP包现在可供所有玩家使用。添加了几个新项目:

*相机:在Coaster Creation上的节点不再将相机远远超出其预期位置。
* RCTW - 风景 - 删除任何风景将被添加到“收入”,而不是“费用”选项卡中的“费用”。
*一般:“持续时间”和财务中的营销项目的价值不再显示为0 $,当他们不应该。
*一般:2个资产的名称 - “石围栏”和“链链接”已调整。
*任务:Mission 3.5'Crater of Coasters' - 主要目标“Min Park收入:$ 3000”如果没有达到要求的条件,就不能完成。
*窥视:Peeps动画不再打破,当他们被过山车车击中。 (注意:部分固定)
* Peeps:Peep信息窗口现在关闭,当Peep离开公园的时刻。
*窥视:LOD 1弯头和膝盖和其他钻机已经调整。
*逐件:当从Premade选项卡持有预制件时选择[完成]时,Builder UI现在关闭。
*故事模式:任务1.7 ELBOW ROOM - 教程“Mind Reader”的第一个目标不再完成,即使右键单击窥视,而不是左键单击。
* UI:鼠标滚轮现在可以在控件选项和法律信息的所有适当位置工作。




* Manual has been updated. 

PxP: The Egypt PxP pack is now available to all players. Several new items have been added: 
* Tall Egyptian Brazier 
* Geometric Egyptian Brazier 
* Wall-Mounted Brazier 
* Tall Clay Vase 
* Wide Clay Vase 
* Wide Clay Pot 
* Round Clay Vase 
* Balanced Clay Pot 
* Clay Jug 
* Clay Cup 
* Clay Bowl 
* Egyptian Queen Statue 
* Egyptian Pharaoh Statue 
* Pharaoh Sarcophagus 
* Hieroglyphic Offering Mural 
* Hieroglyphic Celebration Mural 
* Hieroglyphic Gods Mural 
* Hieroglyphic Script Mural 
* Hieroglyphic Ra Panel 
* Hieroglyphic Bastet Panel 
* Hieroglyphic Thoth Panel 
* Hieroglyphic Anubis Panel

Bug Fixes:
* Camera: Nodes on Coaster Creation no longer throw the camera far above its intended location. 
* General: Optimization and Polish. 
* General: Black screen no longer occurs when launching the game with an old save in their Steam Cloud Saves. 
* General: The first Constellation Plaza can now be moved and deleted once placed. 
* General: Spinning coaster benches will now spin during the second test of the coaster, and will not spin extremely fast either. 
* General: Player can no longer modify a path with a locked path texture. 
* General: Peeps no longer exit the 'Merry Go Round' ride while the ride is running. 
* General: Ring of Fire textures and UV small modification. 
* General: All stats update in real time when peeps are on rides. 
* General: Marketing can no longer be purchased even if the user is lacking the funds to do so. 
* General: Deleting a Train while paused in the Coaster editor will no longer prevent any further train editing until unpausing. 
* General: Rings of Saturn ride animation transition has been smoothed out. 
* General: The Cobra Roll Small Right Specialty Track in the premade Floorless Coaster "The Spinning RIPjaw" no longer has supports that will collide with the train. 
* General: Delete and Cancel buttons are now greyed out when nothing is selected with Mass Delete enabled. 
* General: Removing water will display money being charged to user. 
* General: Player is no longer able to delete the coaster cars using 'Delete' button, even if the 'Delete' button under the 'TRAIN' tab is disabled. 
* RCTW - Scenery - Deleting any scenery will be added in the 'Revenue' instead of 'Expenses' in the 'Finances' tab. 
* General: Staff members can now be picked up whilst the Staff Heat Maps are enabled. 
* General: 'Duration' and value of the marketing items in the finances no longer appear as 0$ when they should not. 
* General: Names for 2 assets - "Stone Fences" and "Chain Link Fences" have been adjusted. 
* General: Deluxe Edition no longer contains assets named "Western Bench". 
* Heatmaps:: Changing a ride theme with scenery now displays appropriate heatmaps. 
* Missions: Provided a fix to progression being reset for some Live users. 
* Missions: Mission 3.5 'Crater of Coasters' - Main objective 'Min Park Revenue : $3000' is no longer completed without meeting the required conditions. 
* Missions: Mission & economy balancing. 
* Peeps: Peeps no longer become stuck in Ride Queues. 
* Peeps: Peeps animation no longer breaks when they are hit by rollercoaster car. (Note: Partial Fix) 
* Peeps: Janitors no longer cleaning up messes far too fast. 
* Peeps: Peep Information window is now closed the moment a Peep leaves the park. 
* Peeps: Peeps animation no longer breaks when adding water on top of them. 
* Peeps: LOD 1 Elbows & Knees and other rigs have been adjusted. 
* Saves: Corrupt Saves are no longer causing the maps to be un-selectable from the Sandbox UI. 
* Scenery: Collision has been removed from Scenery Assets (Benches, Trash Cans, and plazas retain collision) 
* Piece-by-Piece: The 4x4 Grid is no longer broken in various situations. 
* Piece-by-Piece: Builder UI now closes when selecting [Finish] while holding a premade from the Premade tab. 
* Story Mode: Flying Freya fame event VIP peep is now getting inside roller coaster. 
* Story Mode: Mission 1.7 ELBOW ROOM - First objective of the tutorial 'Mind Reader' no longer gets completed even by right clicking on the peep to pick up instead of left click. 
* UI: Mouse wheel is now functional in all appropriate spots in the controls options and legal info.

New/Known Issues:
* General: Mass Deleting 2 Speakers will keep the sound looping in the background and cannot be removed. 
* Peeps: Peeps sometimes become stuck in animation loop when hit by a Coaster Train. 
* Peeps: Medic first aid kit becomes invisible when camera is zoomed out.

by BAT


· 过山车大亨:世界 v20161210升级档单独免DVD补丁BAT版

· 过山车大亨:世界 v20161210升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

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