2.复制全部文件到我的文档\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods
Alpha .15
add compatibility mod for Poland DLC (fix rulesets)
add brick623 Turkey and Middle East city map on Play Europe Again
add guidemwit city map for China on Giant Earth
add brick623 Britain, Ireland and Iceland city map on Giant Earth
add brick623 Iberia, France, Switzerland, Benelux city map on Giant Earth
add option to enforce True Starting Location (prevent the initial settler to search for another position for the first city)
add option to deactivate real city naming
add TSL for DLC City-States on Giant Earth and Play Europe Again
add entries for custom.xml and custom.sql files in the .modinfo (you can create files with the same name in the mod's folder to add custom rules that won't be overwritten when upgrading)
文明6 世界地图MOD;国外玩家Gedemon制作了一个真实地球的地图包,可以说它是世界地图的文明6转换版本。并没有经过进一步的测试,如果执意要试的话,也请记得先把画质调到最低级别。作者本人已经用它和32种文明打了500多轮了,而且没有死过机。作者电脑显卡6GB几乎全负荷运行,他的电脑配置:处理器i7 4770K,显卡GTX980 ti,内存16G。
by Gedemon