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神力科莎 v1.13升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版









- 保时捷911新款保时捷911 RSR 2017
- 新马自达MX-5 Miata NA
- 新马自达787B:为原始的787B mod制造的mod皮肤将需要使用新的模板进行更新
- 增加OpenVR / Vive支持(测试版)
- 固定马自达MX-5 ND设置骑行高度虚假指示
- 固定阿尔法罗密欧Giulietta QV变速箱损坏
- 调整莲花72D和法拉利312T轮胎复合磨损和热量范围
- 固定标志渲染VR
- 固定后处理关闭时发光物品(灯+数字)的色彩平衡
- 增加降档保护警报(可以通过启动器选项禁用)
- 所有GT2 / GTE汽车现在默认为中等轮胎(也适用于AI)
- 当选择OCULUS模式但没有Oculus实际连接时,修复了断线渲染
- 添加Pitstop箭头到DirectInput Dpad:绑定到轮dPad:可以被controls.ini覆盖[ADVANCED] DPAD_INDEX_OVERRIDE = 0
- 添加Pitstop quickmenu +设置pitstop策略:这可以被系统/ cfg / pitstop.ini保存并禁用[设置] USE_MOUSE_PITSTOP = 0
- 更新Fanatec库以支持新的轮毂。
- 修复播放器退出时的CPU警告。

- 增加反向赛格比赛:根据以前的比赛排名,比赛将以反向网格顺序重新启动。在第一场比赛中,取消比赛资格的玩家将从第二场比赛的网格后面开始,不管他们的位置是否处于反转的网格范围内。
- 在拾取模式下添加锁定条目列表:与预订模式相同,只有已包括在条目列表中的玩家才能加入服务器(不需要密码)。
- 添加汽车Steam ID共享入口列表:条目列表中的每个车可以具有多个GUID。玩家可以分享这辆车(一次一张)。将条目列表中插入的名称用作驱动程序名称。
- 固定的服务器结果日志不显示无效的圈数。
- 固定比赛中的比赛中的比赛的比赛状态。
- 添加强制坑:可以在比赛中添加一个坑窗口。作为一个设计选择,玩家需要停在坑洞内的坑盒里,才能有一个有效的停车点。在pitlane进一步下降的坑盒玩家需要考虑到这一点,然后决定他们的策略。玩家可以在坑窗之前和之后增加坑坑,但只能在指示的坑窗中强制停下来,才会验证他们的比赛。服务器管理员必须决定一个坑窗口,允许所有玩家,不管他们的坑盒位置,舒适地在正常的赛车条件下停下来。
- 更新了共享内存

- 警告:此更新会重置assetto_corsa.ini,我们建议检查陀螺仪,免费相机等的值
- 新奥迪体育quattro S1 E2组B集会车
- 新高地在四个布局的轨道
- 除了播放器之外,除了屏幕上的燃油指示灯
- 固定设置选项卡排序
- 添加在线定时赛(有和没有额外的一圈)
- 增加了在线ResultScreen时间
- 调整了有关定时赛的所有系统应用程序
- 固定在线坑船位置
- 在轮胎应用上添加压力表颜色(基于复合理想压力)
- 更新了各种汽车的最低压力和最佳压力
- 新的v10轮胎磨损算法对所有车辆的负载敏感
- 在良好的温度条件下行驶时,砂浆现在正在减少
- 新的和更新的V10街道,半滑套,复古和赛车轮胎为所有的汽车。共更新了151辆汽车。
- 已经有V10轮胎的汽车的更新。
- 更新了所有151辆可用汽车的机箱平衡和惯性。
- 更新发动机沿海制动的街车
- 根据保时捷的建议,为保时捷911 GT3杯车更新防盗条,不建议使用不对称的防盗条设置,因此现在设置在设置屏幕中返回到7。
- 更新后翼航空保时捷911 GT3杯,以允许在高速轨道,如蒙扎的下后翼
- 为Lotus 98T添加后垂直散热片
- 更新刹车温度
Abarth 595
玛莎拉蒂250F 6C和12C
- 定额罚款检测
- 在线剪报报告(油门切断禁用)
- 添加了acServerManager 1.12.0
- 增加了时间竞赛管理
- 添加结果画面管理
- 允许有2个坑的轨道
- 增加了在线剪报报告的选项(使用油门切断禁用)
- Pitstop:悬架修复会自动修复身体
- 在race_out.json和服务器结果上添加轮胎化合物
- 固定的Gt3 AI坠毁在Nordschleife
- 添加了DigitalLed轮胎锁/滑动脚本
- 在最新的保时捷赛车GT3 Cup,GT3 R和919 Hybrid Hybrid赛车上实施
- 添加小数到DigitalItem燃料脚本
- 将本地速度添加到共享内存
- FF_SKIP_STEPS现在默认为0.具有问题FF的车轮可以在必要时将其设置为1
- 添加新的
- 添加Fanatec leds支持(系统/ cfg / fanatec.ini)
- 添加了Pitstop来限定会话
- 调整混乱的“开车通过罚款”消息
- 保时捷赛车的固定时间
- 调整M4 Akrapovic发动机体积
- 固定保时捷911 GT3 RS海岸体积


Update v1.13
- New Porsche 911 RSR 2017 for Porsche Pack 3
- New Mazda MX-5 Miata NA
- New Mazda 787B: mod skins made for the original 787B mod will need to be updated using the new template
- Added OpenVR/Vive support (beta)
- Fixed Mazda MX-5 ND setup ride height false indication
- Fixed Alfa Romeo Giulietta QV gearbox damage
- Adjusted Lotus 72D and Ferrari 312T tyre compound wear and heat ranges
- Fixed Flag rendering for VR
- Fixed colour balance for emissive items (lights+digital) when Post Processing is turned off
- Added downshift protection alert (can be disabled through the launcher options)
- All GT2/GTE cars default to Medium tyres now (also for AI)
- Fixed broken rendering when OCULUS mode is selected but no Oculus is actually connected
- Added Pitstop arrows to DirectInput Dpad: bind to the wheel dPad: can be overidden by controls.ini [ADVANCED]DPAD_INDEX_OVERRIDE=0
- Added Pitstop quickmenu + Setup pitstop strategy: this can be custumized and disabled by system/cfg/pitstop.ini [SETTINGS]USE_MOUSE_PITSTOP=0
- Updated Fanatec library to support new wheel bases.
- Fixed possible CPU warning when player gets retired.

Multiplayer Features
- Added reversed grid races: The race session will be restarted in reversed grid order based on the standings of the previous race. Players disqualified in the first race will start from the back of the grid in the second race, regardless of their position being within the reversed grid range.
- Added locked entry list in pickup mode: same as in booking mode, only players already included in the entry list can join the server (password not needed).
- Added car Steam ID sharing in entry list: each car in the entry list can feature multiple GUIDs. Players can share that car (one at once). The name inserted in the entry list is used as driver name.
- Fixed server result log not displaying invalid laps.
- Fixed end-of-race session status for lapped players in lap races.
- Added Mandatory Pit: A pit window can be added to the race session. As a design choice, players need to stop at their pit box within the pit window to have a valid pit stop. Players with pit boxes further down the pitlane need to take this into account before deciding on their strategy. Players may make additional pit stops before and after the pit window, but only making a mandatory stop in the indicated pit window will validate their race. Server admins must decide on a pit window that allows all players, regardless of their pit box position, to comfortably make a pit stop under normal racing conditions.
- Updated Shared Memory

- WARNING: this update resets assetto_corsa.ini, we advise to check values for gyro, free camera etc
- New Audi Sport quattro S1 E2 group B rally car
- New Highlands track in four layouts
- Removed on screen Fuel Indicator for cars except the player's one
- Fixed Setup Tab sorting
- Added online Timed Races (with and without additional lap)
- Added online ResultScreen time
- Tweaked all the system apps regarding Timed Races
- Fixed online pit crew locations
- Added pressure meter color on Tire App (based on compound ideal pressure)
- Updated minimum pressures and optimum pressures for various cars
- New v10 tyre wear algorithms more sensitive to load for all cars
- Graining is now reducing when driving in good temperature conditions
- New and updated V10 street, semislick, vintage, and race slicks tyres for all cars. A total of 151 cars updated.
- Updates for cars that already had V10 tyres as well.
- Updated chassis balance and inertias for all 151 available cars.
- Updated engine coast braking for street cars
- Updated antiroll bars for Porsche 911 GT3 Cup car as per suggestion of Porsche that asymmetrical antiroll bar settings are not advised, so now settings are back to 7 in setup screen.
- Updated rear wing aero for Porsche 911 GT3 Cup to allow for lower rear wing at high speed tracks like Monza
- Added rear vertical fin for Lotus 98T
- Updated Brake temp for 
Shelby Cobra
Lamborghini Miura
Alfa Romeo GTA
Abarth 595
Ford Escort RS
Ford GT40
Lotus 25
Lotus 49
Maserati 250F 6C and 12C
Lotus 72D
Ferrari 312T
Ferrari F40
- Fixed penalty detection
- Online cut reporting (Throttle Cut disabling)
- Added acServerManager 1.12.0
- Added timed race management
- Added result screen management
- Track with 2 pits are allowed
- Added option for online cut reporting (with Throttle Cut disabling)
- Pitstop: Suspension repair will automatically fix body too
- Added Tyre compound on race_out.json and server result
- Fixed Gt3 AI crashing at Nordschleife
- Added DigitalLed Tyre lock/slip script
- implemented in the latest Porsche racing cars, GT3 Cup, GT3 R and 919 Hybrid 2016
- Added Decimals to DigitalItem Fuel script
- Added local velocity to Shared Memory
- FF_SKIP_STEPS now defaults to 0. Wheels with problematic FF can have it set back to 1 if necessary
- Added new 
optional parameter in controls.ini
- Added Fanatec leds support (system/cfg/fanatec.ini)
- Added Pitstop to Qualify session
- Tweaked confusing "Drive through penalty" message
- Fixed Pitstop times for Porsche race cars
- Tweaked M4 Akrapovic engine volume
- Fixed Porsche 911 GT3 RS coast volume

by BAT


· 《神力科莎》全版本简体中文汉化补丁

· 神力科莎 v1.16升级档单独免DVD补丁BAT版

· 神力科莎 v1.16升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

· 神力科莎 v1.15升级档+Ferrari Pack DLC单独免DVD补丁BAT版

· 神力科莎 v1.15升级档+Ferrari Pack DLC+免DVD补丁BAT版