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群星 v1.5升级档+乌托邦DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)








Stellaris: Utopia
Stellaris: Leviathans Story Pack
Stellaris: Plantoids Species Pack
Stellaris: Original Game Soundtrack
Stellaris: Infinite Frontiers (eBook)
Stellaris: Nova Edition Upgrade Pack
Stellaris: Galaxy Edition Upgrade Pack


Stellaris: Utopia

《乌托邦》(Utopia) 是《群星》(Stellaris) 的第一个主要扩展包,而后者是 Paradox Development Studio 广受好评的科幻战略巨作。如标题所示,在乌托邦,你可以利用新工具发展你的银河帝国,使人民(鸟民或能说话的蘑菇)安居乐业!通过给予新的奖金,激励你的种族进一步深入银河,迅速探索那儿的情况,或守在母星附近,然后与所有向你发起挑战家伙决一死战。



*传统和团结加入游戏。 Unity是一种用于解锁传统的新资源
*增加了“Yurantic Crystals”,这是一种改善能量武器伤害的新型战略资源
*作为艺术团飞地的顾客现在可以+ 15%的团结一代
* Limbo事件链扩大

*新:Galactic Campaigns技术添加到游戏中
* NEW:皮肤刺激技术添加到游戏中



# Free Features

# Important
* Added Authoritarian ethics
* Added Egalitarian ethics
* Removed Collectivist ethics
* Removed Individualist ethics
* Government system has been completely reworked and Civics have been added to the game, allowing for far more customization when creating your empire's government
* Traditions and Unity added to the game. Unity is a new resource that is used to unlock Traditions
* Food is now stored and distributed empire-wide instead of being local to individual planets. When food reaches the empire storage cap, surplus food contributes to increased Pop growth across the empire
* Pops now have a monthly mineral cost called Consumer Goods. How large this cost it depends on what living standards are set for their species in the empire
* Reworked ethics attraction. Pops now only have a single ethic, and their attraction to different ethics depends on a wide variety of factors such as their traits, the empire's governing ethics and policies, the local conditions on their planet, and so on
* Reworked the faction system. Factions are now political movements with specific issues rather than rebels, and have a happiness level based on how well your empires' policies and actions fulfill those issues. Faction happiness determines their member Pops' base happiness, and factions with high happiness will provide an influence boost to the empire they are a part of
* Unrest is a new mechanic that affects planets. Unrest is generated by unhappy Pops and slaves, and can reduce productivity and in extreme cases spark rebellions. Unrest can be lowered by certain buildings or by garrisoning armies
* Added the ability to Displace Pops as an alternative method of Purging, this forces them to move out of the empire instead of killing them
* Pops that are being purged will now sometimes manage to escape to other empires
* Added a policy for whether an empire accepts refugees (Pops that are being Purged or Displaced) from other empires
* Added a new policy for which Pops are allowed to live on an empires' core (non-sector) planets
* Added a policy that determines whether an empire tolerates pre-sentients living on their planets
* Added a music player that lets you select which tracks you want to play, play specific tracks on demand, and toggle shuffle mode on and off
# Species Rights
* Added the ability to set Species Rights for individual species. Slavery and Purging is handled through this interface instead of on an individual Pop basis
# Misc.
* Added a war demand to dismantle Frontier Outposts
* Ship engine-trails will now be colored by their empire's primary color
* Kingdom of Yondarim prescripted empire has been reworked
* You are no longer at war with rebels when they take over a planet
* Stone Age Civilizations now work like other primitives and have Pops instead of simply being tile blockers
* Added "Yurantic Crystals", a new strategic resource that improves energy weapon damage
* Becoming a patron of the Artisan Troupe enclave now has an up-front cost
* Being a patron of the Artisan Troupe enclave now gives +15% Unity generation
* It is now possible to terraform barren planets that have the "Terraforming Candidate" modifier if you possess the Atmospheric Manipulation tech. Mars is such a world by default
* Pioneering Terminal spaceport module removed from the game
* You can now choose room background in the ruler customization view
* New shader for Stations that are under construction
# Events
* Being the first to find a Precursor homeworld now yields a significant amount of Unity
* Precursor anomalies are now player-only
* When your patronage ends, the Artisan Troupe will contact you for renewal
* Limbo event chain expanded
# Technology
* NEW: Interstellar Campaigns technology added to the game
* NEW: Galactic Campaigns technology added to the game
* NEW: Colonial Bureaucracy technology added to the game
* NEW: Galactic Bureaucracy technology added to the game
* NEW: Subdermal Stimulation technology added to the game
* NEW: Cultural Heritage starting technology added to game
* NEW: Heritage Site technology added to game
* NEW: Hypercomms Forum technology added to game
* NEW: Autocurating Vault technology added to game
* NEW: Holographic Rituals technology added to the game
* NEW: Transcendent Faith technology added to the game
* NEW: Assembly Patterns technology added to the game
* NEW: Construction Templates rare technology added to the game
* Assembly Algorithms repeatable technology now belongs to the engineering category instead of physics
* Frontier Initiatives technology removed from the game
* Frontier Traditions technology removed from the game
* Frontier Collectives technology removed from the game
* Frontier Commissars technology removed from the game
* Paradise Dome technology removed
* Manifest Destiny technology has been removed from the game
* Propaganda Transmissions technology has been removed from the game
# Buildings
* Symbol of Unity building now produces 2 unity and provides +5% happiness
* Visitor Center building now requires Alien Tourism tradition
* Paradise Dome building now requires Paradise Dome tradition
* NEW: Autochthon Monument is a new building that provides Unity
* NEW: Heritage Site is a new building that provides Unity
* NEW: Hypercomms Forum is a new building that provides Unity
* NEW: Auto-Curating Vault is a new building that provides Unity
* NEW: Temple is a new building that provides Unity
* NEW: Holotemple is a new building that provides Unity
* NEW: Citadel of Faith is a new building that provides Unity
* Grand Mausoleum removed from the game
# Traits
* NEW: Wasteful trait added to the game
* NEW: Conservational trait added to the game
* Decadent trait now requires authoritarian or xenophobe ethics
# Components
* NEW: Psionic Shields component has been added to the game

by thegfw


· 《群星》v3.12.5.Plus二十四项修改器风灵月影版

· 《群星》v2.3.0-v3.12.5二十四项修改器风灵月影版

· 《群星》v2.3.0-v3.11.1二十四项修改器风灵月影版

· 《群星》v2.3.0-v3.1.1二十二项修改器风灵月影版

· 《群星》v2.3.0-v3.0.1二十二项修改器风灵月影版